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Public Satisfaction with the Government of Indonesia’s Performance is Still High


By : Samuel Christian Galal )*

The public’s satisfaction with the performance of the Government of Indonesia so far, especially during the era of President Jokowi’s leadership, continues to show high numbers because it is considered that the current government has succeeded in making many breakthroughs and other programs that have had a very good impact on the people of the country.

Officially released the results of a survey conducted by Saiful Mujani Research and Consulting (SMRC), which seeks to assess and measure the level of public confidence in the country’s government performance so far in the era of the leadership of the President of the Republic of Indonesia (RI), Joko Widodo (Jokowi ) indicates that the public satisfaction rate is still relatively high.

The survey results show that the level of public satisfaction with the performance of President Jokowi’s leadership is at 79.6% (percent). Regarding the results of the survey, SMRC Research Director Deni Irvani revealed that this figure also shows critical voters who are satisfied with President Joko Widodo’s performance while leading the country.

Critical voters themselves are voters who have access to many sources of information socially and politically better than the public or other individuals. This is because they have access to be able to use a telephone or cellphone optimally so that they are also able to access a lot of information on the internet to be able to know and act on the latest social and political news.

With critical voters who have sources for access to various types of information and can be said to be literate in technology and digital space, they admit that they are satisfied with how President Jokowi’s leadership is, so it can be said that his leadership really deserves to be given high appreciation. .

Since the era of President Jokowi’s leadership there have also been many significant changes in Indonesia with many programs and bold moves that he has made to make changes in a much better direction for Indonesia.

One thing that has stood out in President Jokowi’s leadership is how national development has been intensified and even distribution of development to all corners of the archipelago without exception, including touching the easternmost province in the country, namely Papua, which has become one of the priorities in the Indonesian government’s development program at the time. This.

It is known that President Jokowi himself is determined to be able to eliminate disparities in the country and carry out equitable development, so that in the future Indonesia can truly be ready to welcome the Golden Indonesia era in 2045.

This development is now carried out by no longer only prioritizing one particular area such as the island of Java, which is different from the previous President’s leadership which seemed to continue to use a Java-centric paradigm in its development.

Precisely in the era of President Joko Widodo’s leadership, the development paradigm tried to be totally changed by implementing Indonesia-centric development so that it really could be implemented very evenly.

The survey conducted by SMRC involved 915 people spread across all provinces in Indonesia using the telephone interview method from 23 to 25 May 2023. Then the survey itself has  a Margin of Error  , which is approximately 3.3% and the confidence level reaches 95%.

Not only regarding the issue of equitable development which continues to be intensified evenly, but the high level of public satisfaction in assessing President Jokowi’s leadership is also because the public thinks that the Government of Indonesia is indeed very capable of strictly enforcing the law in the country, even completely indiscriminately.

The main thing is regarding the arrest of corruptors, ranging from unscrupulous officials to unscrupulous members of the security forces themselves, if they are indeed involved in a corruption case, the Government of Indonesia will immediately succeed in securing them and strictly enforce the law as stipulated in the applicable Law (UU).

Another thing that causes why the public continues to have a high level of trust in President Jokowi, namely the existence of the Job Creation Law, which is considered to be increasingly helpful and easier for the community, especially the workers themselves to accept their rights, including the increasing number of job opportunities created. open.

All the performance of the Government of Indonesia during President Joko Widodo’s current leadership continues to be assessed by the Indonesian people as very good and satisfactory. This is shown from how the survey results regarding the level of public satisfaction with government performance continue to show high numbers.

)* The author is a contributor to the Indomedia Gala Institute

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