Reject the use of identity politics to ensure smooth elections

It is estimated that the 2024 General Election or Election will still be overshadowed by the use of identity politics. SocietyKat was also asked to be vigilant because it was feared that the use of politics could create polarization and even divide the nation.
Some time ago, the 212 Alumni Brotherhood and GNPF Ulama carried out an ulama agreement and supported certain presidential candidates. Secretary General of the Central Management of the Indonesian Higher Education Alumni Network (JAPTI), A. Pandu Wijonarko, issued harsh criticism regarding this decision. In his statement on the same day, Pandu stated that the invitation given to the Anies-Muhaimin couple was inappropriate.
According to him, the 212 Alumni Brotherhood and GNPF Ulama are irrelevant in acting on behalf of Muslims, especially by using the diction “ijtima ulama” which has a sacred meaning in the Islamic context.
Apart from that, Pandu added that the use of the term “ijtima ulama” in the invitation was seen more as an effort to directly support certain presidential candidates in a practical way. This is considered to be inconsistent with the spirit of maintaining noble religious values in order to strengthen national unity.
Pandu further emphasized that PA 212 and GNPF Ulama cannot be considered as representatives of all Indonesian Muslims. He considers the use of the name “ijtima ulama” to be an attempt to use religion and the people as mere political tools. Pandu and JAPTI Indonesia expressed their concern about the possible politicization of religion which could harm the spirit of unity and harmony in Indonesian society.
Pandu expressed his concern that this step might be an attempt to use religion and people as a mere political tool. He expressed concern that Indonesian society, which has experienced significant trauma due to the politicization of religion in the political arena, may not see the relevance of the event organized by the 212 Alumni Brotherhood and the National Ulama Fatwa Defense Movement (GNPF).
Pandu expressed his opinion that the agenda promoted by the two organizations was irrelevant when the common goal was to create elections that would run in a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere.
JAPTI Indonesia’s Pandu Wijonarko stated that JAPTI Indonesia is concerned about the potential use of noble and sublime religious values as a tool to legitimize conflict between religious believers, discriminatory actions against minority groups, and other possible negative impacts.
This statement reflects real concern about the possible damage that identity politics can cause if not addressed wisely. The politicization of religion, which is basically a form of identity politics, can damage the democratic foundations built to ensure justice, equal rights and community participation in political life.
President Joko Widodo’s statement regarding the 2024 election confirms concerns about identity politics which can damage democracy. In his message, the President emphasized that the 2024 Election stages which are being prepared by the General Election Commission (KPU) must be fully supported by all parties. Furthermore, he warned that there should be no more identity politics and politicization of religion.
The President emphasized the importance of supporting all stages of the Election which are being prepared by the General Election Commission (KPU). He warned to distance the election from the practice of identity politics and the politicization of religion.
The President also highlighted the importance of avoiding social polarization in the 2024 elections. According to him, Indonesian democracy must show its maturity, and national consolidation must be strengthened. The President expressed his gratitude to religious, community and cultural figures who have contributed greatly to strengthening national foundations and maintaining national unity and unity.
The President emphasized the need for the development of maturity in our democratic system. He underlined the importance of strengthening national consolidation as a step towards democratic maturity. The President also expressed his gratitude to ulama, religious leaders, community leaders and cultural figures who have made major contributions in strengthening national foundations and maintaining national unity and unity.
Seeing the President’s statement and JAPTI Indonesia’s views, the public is asked to increase awareness of the potential for identity politics which could threaten democracy. Polarization in identity politics, especially involving religion, can trigger conflict and divide society.
The importance of elections free from identity politics is the main focus in realizing a healthy democracy. The public is encouraged to elect leaders based on capacity and programs, not because of religious or particular group identity. This is a crucial step in building the foundations of a strong and sustainable democracy.
In facing the 2024 elections, it is important for all elements of society to commit to protecting democracy from the threat of identity politics. The politicization of religion and social polarization will only harm Indonesian society as a whole. All parties, including state institutions, religious leaders and the community, need to work together to create elections that are free from identity politics.
In this way, Indonesia can build a healthy, strong and sustainable democracy. Concern for the fate of the nation must go beyond differences in identity and diversity.
The 2024 election could be an important moment to prove that Indonesia is able to overcome the challenges of identity politics and move towards a better direction, maintaining the integrity and unity of the nation. All parties have an important role in maintaining democratic values and ensuring that elections become a vehicle for carving out a better future for Indonesia.