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Increase Vigilance Against Terrorist Movements Ahead of Christmas


All parties should continue to increase vigilance in dealing with movements and maneuvers carried out by terrorists, especially ahead of the 2023 Christmas celebrations.

This increase in vigilance also continues to be carried out by security personnel, who always intensify security for Christmas and New Year (Nataru) celebrations. Not half-hearted, even the West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Regional Police (Polda) will deploy 1,335 personnel, consisting of members of the NTB Regional Police and a combination of 10 Police Stations in the area.

Regarding this matter, the Head of the Operations Bureau (Karo Ops) of the NTB Regional Police, Police Commissioner (Kombes Pol) Abu Bakar Tertusi said that security during Christmas was carried out by 404 personnel from the NTB Regional Police, assisted by 52 personnel from the NTB Regional Police’s Mantap Brata Operation and 933 personnel from 10 Polres and Polresta in NTB.

These security forces will continue to maintain security directly with various reserve personnel from all respective police stations. Meanwhile, the NTB Regional Police Chief, Inspector General of Police (Irjen Pol) Raden Umar Faroq emphasized that there is a great need for security during the 2023-2024 Christmas celebrations, which also focuses on reducing the level of crime that may occur in society.

It is very important to continue to strengthen security, because the implementation of Nataru always results in increased community activity from various groups and in several places such as places of worship, busy centers and also tourism areas.

Apart from that, it is also important to carry out security in shopping centers, malls, hotels and restaurants, including security at several tourist destinations from local to international levels. Therefore, security measures carried out by security forces will be carried out comprehensively, considering the recent arrests of suspected terrorists.

It is known that as many as seven terrorist perpetrators were successfully arrested by Special Datasemen 88 Anti-terror in NTB, so it is very necessary for all parties, especially the security forces, to add extra vigilance. In the context of this arrest, the seven terrorist perpetrators wanted to plan an action on Christmas Eve 2023 and the upcoming 2024 elections.

Very high appreciation should be given to the quick steps of the security forces who were directly able to detect early the movements of terrorists so that they were able to quickly arrest them as a preventive measure. The great hope of the Indonesian people is that all Christmas celebrations can be free from the threat of terrorism.

Terror incidents often occur before Christmas and New Year. This of course continues to be a reminder to all parties that every year there should be no more attacks from terrorists. Moreover, recently there have also been signs of continued strengthening of the ISIS organization, so it is clear that all parties should pay serious attention to the movement and problem of terrorism in Indonesia.

Usually, before Christmas and New Year celebrations, radical movements will start to spread terror, for example, some of them focus on attacking places of religious celebration such as churches. They will attack using bombs, because for terrorists, suicide bombings are a form of penance for preventing adherents of other religions from worshiping, especially in the view of radical groups that those who adhere to other religions are called infidels who must be suppressed.

Another place that is often a target of terror is government agencies, where in fact the security forces have been working very hard to carry out the task of enforcing security in society, such as the police. However, in this context, the terrorists actually consider that the government agency is an infidel agency because it does not implement government teachings in accordance with Islamic law. So for this reason, they did not hesitate to carry out attacks at that place.

Furthermore, places that will also be targeted by terrorists, which must continue to be extra vigilant, are crowded places such as malls or tourist attractions that are visited by many people when they want to go on holiday to celebrate Christmas and New Year.

The movement of radicals and intolerant groups which lead to acts of terrorism continues to increase ahead of the Christmas and New Year celebrations 2023-2024. Therefore, all parties should continue to be able to increase their respective vigilance so that they can ward off or minimize the possibility of attacks and prevent unwanted things from happening.

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