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Ahead of the Election, Security Forces Optimize Radicalism Monitoring


By: Silvia. A. Ultimate )*

In order to anticipate the spread of radicalism and intolerance ahead of the 2024 grand democratic festival, the Magetan National and Political Unity Agency (Bakesbangpol) held an outreach on the dangers of radicalism and preventing intolerance with the theme ‘Spread Peace and Maintain Diversity and Conduciveness ahead of the 2024 Election’ for students in Magetan Regency in Magetan Park Meeting Room.

This socialization activity presented resource persons, namely Handoko Budi Prasetyo (Head of Intelligence and Security for the Magetan Police), and Galih Aji Satria (Former Napiter). In his speech Acting. The Regent of Magetan, represented by the Head of Bakesbangpol Magetan, Chanif Tri Wahyudi, conveyed the aim of holding this socialization to invite the younger generation (students) to fight radicalism and intolerance, especially in Magetan Regency.

According to Chanif, young people play an important role in realizing peaceful elections by warding off radical ideas and intolerance and not being influenced by this, because these radical and intolerant ideas can not only threaten the life of the nation and state but can also damage the future of young people. Moreover, the notion of radicalism and intolerance is currently very widely spread via social media, targeting young people. Furthermore, Chanif Tri Wahyudi hopes that teachers and students will have the courage to firmly prevent and reject radicalism and intolerance, in order to create a social security and order situation that remains conducive ahead of the 2024 election.

The Sukoharjo Police Binmas Unit also provided material related to radicalism and terrorism to 60 participants in the Gada Pratama security guard training at the Sri Rahayu multi-purpose building, Mojolaban District, to prevent the spread of radicalism and terrorism. The Binmas Unit provides an understanding of what radicalism is and its background. Apart from that, the Gada Pratama security guard training participants were given insight into morals and ethics in their work at work.

Sukoharjo Police Chief AKBP Sigit, through the Head of Binmas Unit, AKP Maryana, revealed that the provision of this material was aimed at ensuring that Gada Pratama security guard training participants seriously understand the very dynamic social security and security situation, especially regarding the issue and understanding of radicalism and terrorism ahead of the 2024 Democratic Party. AKP Maryana emphasized that the Participants must of course be given insight, so that they will be more aware and sensitive to the threat of radicalism. AKP Maryana also added that the understanding of radicalism and terrorism does not look at work or social status, if one is involved it is difficult to distinguish whether one is a radical group or not.

In other areas, the Coordination Forum for Prevention of Terrorism (FKPT), South Kalimantan Province (Kalsel) released notes on program achievements during 2023 which were packaged in End of Year Reflections, synergy in preventing radicalism and terrorism by FKPT together with Kesbangpol, at the Rodhita Hotel Banjarmasin. The Chair of the South Kalimantan FKPT, Aliansyah Mahadi, accompanied by other administrators, delivered several programs including carrying out roadshows and socializing the prevention of radicalism and terrorism to the Regency/City Government, Islamic boarding schools, educational institutions, mass organizations, communities, youth leaders, community leaders and women leaders.

            According to Aliansyah, before the election, all parties are paying attention to the potential for radicalism, hoax information and identity politics, acts of terror could occur on the national agenda. Sensitivity must continue to be maintained and the solidarity of all together, including the security forces and community figures, is needed. “Especially at this time it has become widespread on social media, invitations or appeals not to come to the polling stations and not to vote, this is of course very detrimental to all of us,” stressed Aliansyah. Meanwhile, the Head of the Early Precautions and Intelligence Cooperation Sub for the South Kalimantan Kesbangpol stated that his party always coordinates every month, including with the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) in the regions and the Regional Intelligence Community (Kominda) in the context of preventing radicalism and terrorism.

            Apart from that, the East Java Regional Police’s Public Relations Division emphasized the public to anticipate and prevent radicalism independently. The supporting factor for prevention is of course the central role of the mass media. Head of Public Relations of the East Java Regional Police, Commissioner Pol Dirmanto, emphasized that efforts to prevent radicalism independently are important by instilling a spirit of nationalism, being open-minded and tolerant, being alert to provocation and incitement, networking in peace communities, and joining in peace.

Commissioner Dirmanto asked the media crew to play a role in conveying news to provide understanding and advice about the dangers of intolerance, terrorism and radicalism to the public. Educating the public regarding the importance of tolerance and harmony in society, as well as preventing the emergence of acts of terrorism and radicalism which could threaten security and order in the region, is very important.

Furthermore, Dirmanto said, radicalism and terrorism are very complex forms of crime. Even though various actions and their negative impacts can be overcome, the latent dangers still haunt us. This is caused by the seeds of radicalism that are deeply rooted in thinking, and their detection is relatively difficult when compared to other crimes. So, if the public discovers an act of crime, terrorism or radicalism, then immediately report it to the authorities so that someone can handle it immediately.

)* The author is from the editorial team of Saptalika Jr. Media

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