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Beware of KST Papua Terror Actions  on  Eid Al-Fitr 2024


By : Andri Saputra )*

Conflicts involving Papuan Separatist and Terrorist Groups (KST) are still occurring. The government has increased security by deploying security forces in the Papua region to overcome the threats posed by KST Papua. The joint TNI and Polri operation was carried out to maintain security and fight illegal activities carried out by this group. This step aims to protect the Papuan people from acts of violence and restore security stability in the Papua region, especially during the Eid al-Fitr 1445 H/2024 series.

The government is making serious efforts to take action against Papuan KST members who commit criminal acts and threaten the community. The authorities also continue to try to arrest KST Papua members who are involved in attacks and terror against security forces, murders, kidnappings and other activities. Through the law enforcement process, the government seeks to ensure accountability and limit the activities of KST Papua during the celebration of important days such as Eid al-Fitr.

Head of the Terrorism Studies Study Program at the University of Indonesia (UI), Muhammad Syauqillah, said that the KST Papua violence from 2017 until now has killed many civilians and security forces. The attack carried out by KST Papua was a crime against humanity because it targeted civilians. In fact, in the law of war  (humanitarian law),  civil society is a group that cannot be attacked or fought.

Apart from that, the KST action took Papua’s development framework off the path that should be enjoyed by the Papuan people. When development stops, in the long term it will have an impact on problems with the welfare of the Papuan people, such as road access from one region to another. Under these conditions, the government continues to prepare a number of steps, both soft and hard approaches, to resolve the Papua KST problem. Because the people in Papua must be guaranteed security and decent living comfort and protected from other acts of terror.

Member of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Mochamad Hasbi Asyidiki Jayabaya, said that President Joko Widodo’s government is paying quite a lot of attention to infrastructure development in Papua. Various infrastructure has been built, such as toll roads, airports, reservoirs, health and education and others to encourage new economic growth for the people of Papua. Apart from that, infrastructure development can improve the welfare of the Papuan people, so that they can catch up with other regions.

Apart from that, with special autonomy, Papua has been given greater authority in managing natural resources, finances and regional government. This step aims to provide better opportunities for the Papuan people to make decisions and advance their region. Furthermore, the government is also actively holding dialogue with Papuan community groups to listen to their aspirations and needs. This dialogue is  an important platform  in formulating development policies and programs that are responsive to the interests of the Papuan people.

The existence of KST Papua is a frightening terror for Papuans, especially during celebrations of holidays such as Eid al-Fitr, it is feared that KST Papua will again carry out acts of terror and also threaten civilians to show its existence. So that people cannot carry out activities freely like ordinary citizens. At all times they must be alert to the appearance of KST Papua who could take them hostage or burn down their houses and take food.

KST Papua has committed many serious human rights violations by killing civilians under the pretext of fighting for Papuan independence, even though not all Papuans want Papua to be independent. It is also hoped that the Papuan people will not be provoked by what KST Papua has done so far. They are liars, because their efforts to date have had no results and have only been a waste of time and energy. 

This group has also become a source of chaos and has been involved in a series of violence that has harmed civilians, threatened regional stability and disrupted people’s daily lives. So law enforcement against KST is very necessary to maintain the peace and security of the Papuan people, as well as ensuring that law and order are maintained. Therefore, the Papuan people must fully support the security forces in taking firm action against KST Papua.

Then on the other hand, accelerating development in Papua is one of the government’s focuses in encouraging economic equality and ensuring security in Papua. Several incidents of violence that occurred between KST Papua and security forces and civil society made the government make special efforts to handle them.

The government has committed to resolving the KST Papua conflict through a comprehensive approach. By combining security and development, the government is trying to create safe and supportive conditions for the Papuan people. Through regional security, law enforcement, infrastructure development and community empowerment, the government seeks to achieve security and sustainable development in Papua. Papuan people’s participation in the decision-making process is also emphasized to ensure that government policies and programs are responsive to local needs. With joint efforts, it is hoped that the KST Papua conflict can be overcome and the Papua region can achieve sustainable peace and progress.

)* The author is a contributor to the Editorial Journal

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