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By: Ridwan Alamsyah)*
The Draft Criminal Code (RKUHP) will soon be legalized. The government ensures that it will absorb the aspirations of the people regarding the articles in the!-->!-->!-->…
Event B20 Increase Sustainable Investment
By: Aprilian Hutapea )*
The existence of investment in Indonesia must be put to good use, moreover the ease for investors to invest in Indonesia will be an attraction to make Indonesia a!-->!-->!-->…
Keep Obeying Prokes Accelerate Transition to the Covid-19 Endemic
By: Oka Rizki )*
The public is asked to continue to comply with the health protocols (Prokes), because currently the Covid-19 pandemic is still going on. If everything is in order, the!-->!-->!-->…
RKUHP Ready to be Ratified
By: Aprilian Hutapea )*
The Draft Criminal Code (RKUHP) is ready to be ratified by the end of this year. This bill must be promulgated immediately, because it will change the face of!-->!-->!-->…
The Pandemic Is Not Over, Keep Tightening Prokes and Vaccinations
By: Abdullah )*
In fact, the Covid-19 pandemic itself has not officially ended, although recently the case curve has decreased. For this reason, the public needs to always tighten Prokes!-->!-->!-->…
Unite Prevents the Spread of Radicalism
By: Alif Fikri)*
Radical ideology has proven to be detrimental to the nation and state, the development of radicalism has also spread massively to various elements of society, even to!-->!-->!-->…
Government Improves Ease of Investment in Indonesia
By: Rivaldi Adrian )*
The government continues to improve the ease of investment in Indonesia as an attraction for investors to invest in a country. This convenience is expected to!-->!-->!-->…
The Transfer of Fuel Subsidy to BLT in Accordance with Religious Orders
By: Zakaria )*
BBM Direct Cash Assistance (BLT) is a program implemented by the government to provide social support to people affected by the adjustment of subsidized fuel prices.
Papuan Religious and Customary Leaders Support KPK Dismantling the Corruption Case of Luke Enembe
By: Alfred Jigibalom )*
The corruption case involving the Governor of Papua, Lukas Enembe, has really tarnished the name of Papua. Therefore, religious and traditional leaders in Bumi!-->!-->!-->…
Beware of the Threat of Radicalism Infiltrating the Young Generation
By: Abdul Razak)*
The younger generation needs to be aware of the spread of radicalism. This is because no party is immune from this forbidden understanding.
Radical groups continue!-->!-->!-->!-->!-->…