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Rempang Project Increases Investment and Creates Jobs
By: Andika Pratama
The Rempang Project, which is included in the National Strategic Project, has many benefits. Apart from increasing investment in Indonesia, it also has!-->!-->!-->…
Accelerating Papua’s Development, Government Appoints Teachers from OAP
By : Angelica Kaloke)*
Accelerating development on Bumi Cenderawasih is a form and manifestation of the Indonesian Government's strong commitment to appoint teachers and!-->!-->!-->…
Expansion of the Papua Region to Build the Independence of the New Autonomous Region
By : Manuel Bonay )*
The expansion of the Papua region into several provinces is a central government policy in order to accelerate development in the Land of Papua. Papua Province,!-->!-->!-->…
DKPP Ensures Rice Stock and Prices Are Controlled, People Are Urged Not to Panic
By : Mayang Dwi Andaru)*
The Surabaya City Food and Agriculture Security Service (DKPP) ensures that the stock and price of rice in the market in Surabaya City is still under!-->!-->!-->…
The Government is Committed to Accelerating Papuan Infrastructure Development
By : Raihau Malosi )*
Papua is one of the areas rich in natural resources in Indonesia. This province has high-value mineral resources, abundant forest products, river resources for!-->!-->!-->…
Residents of Rempang Island are starting to agree to be relocated, investment will start soon
By : David Kiva Prambudi )*
Residents on Rempang Island are starting to agree to relocate from Rempang Island to Tanjung Banong. So with the approval of these residents, it!-->!-->!-->…
Supporting Regional Governments to Increase Cooperation to Accelerate Papua’s Development
By : Kristy Tiara Yumte )*
Papua continues to be developed for the progress of its people. The community supports local governments to work together to accelerate!-->!-->!-->…
Thanks to the Government’s Stabilization Efforts, Medium Rice Prices Have Dropped
By : Shenna Aprilya Zahra )*
Thanks to all the efforts made by the Government to stabilize the price of rice on the market, these efforts have finally borne fruit, where the price of!-->!-->!-->…
Public Appreciates Government’s Efforts to Reduce Rice Inflation
By: Mika Putri Larasti )*
The government's efforts to suppress rice inflation are very important in maintaining the stability of crucial food prices, especially since rice is one of the!-->!-->!-->…
The Job Creation Law Encourages Economic Growth and Expands Job Opportunities
By : Herman Ade Wijaya )*
There are many benefits that the Job Creation Law (UU Ciptaker) can provide. Not only for business actors, workers will also get better benefits and!-->!-->!-->…