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Demonstration Rejects the Working Copyright Bill Not Gaining Public Sympathy


By: Zakaria )*

There is a demonstration action plan to protest the Work Draft Bill which is considered to be detrimental to employees because of the removal of restrictions on work contracts. The community does not sympathize with them because it makes mass gathering in a pandemic very dangerous. Can cause corona transmission because there is no guarantee they will all comply with the health protocol.

The Omnibus Law Work Draft Bill which has received an approval letter from President Joko Widodo has several articles. Among these, employees must enter 6 working days. They can also work overtime. If laid off, they could get severance pay at least 1 time salary. When you have worked for years, you will get an annual bonus from the company.

Unfortunately the bill was rejected by many people, especially laborers and students. They consider that other articles are detrimental, because there is no more Minimum Work Wage. There is also the abolition of the article concerning restrictions on employee employment contracts, so it is feared that it will be contracted for life. Also demands 5 working days, not 6 working days.

Students protesting the bill will demonstrate on July 16, 2020. Remy Hastian, the coordinator of the demonstration, claims to have gathered students from campuses in Greater Jakarta and Banten. Even his predictions could reach thousands of people. The students were busy protesting employment policies that would be ratified by the Parliament.

This protest even sneered and did not get sympathy from the public. In the midst of a corona pandemic, mass demonstrations could raise the risk of co-19 virus transmission. Because it does not comply with physical distancing rules. In the midst of a tiring and hot demo, the mask can come off. Can trigger a new corona cluster and increase the number of patients.

Plus when the demonstrators came from outside DKI Jakarta and the area has a red zone status. They become ODP status and can transmit corona, not only to fellow demonstrators, but also to those around them. Such as street vendors, bus drivers, parking attendants, and others. This condition will be very dangerous because the number of patients can surge.

Instead of demonstrating while cramming and sweating, isn’t it better to send several student representatives to have an audience with the competent authority? With peaceful communication, it can be explained what are the reasons for the approval of the Cipta Karya Bill. It could also prevent the transmission of the Covid-19 virus from thousands of students who were demonstrating.

Students should be able to imitate representatives from several trade unions who held a meeting with the Coordinating Minister for Politics and Security, Mahfud MD. Workers are asked for opinions on this bill and Mahfud explains what are the important points of the new regulation. This was done to prevent misunderstandings that led to massive demonstrations.

The Employment Copyright Bill that removes the article on the limitation of work contracts does not mean that they only have a lifetime contract employee status. This was revealed by Menaker Ida Fauziah. According to him, if a company continues to contract employees, it will cost a lot. Contract employees with good performance will be appointed as permanent employees.

In addition, the elimination of UMK does not mean that workers are paid cheaply. But replaced by the provincial minimum wage which will be regulated in nominal terms by the Governor. The official is considered to better understand the needs of the community and can weigh how much the salary is appropriate for an employee. So do not rush to get angry and hold a demonstration.

The plan to ratify the Omnibus Law on the Work Copyright Bill should not be welcomed with student demonstrations. Because it is feared that it will even become a new corona cluster and infect many people around it. Every article of the Work Creation Bill should be read carefully, so there are no more misunderstandings in interpreting it.

)* The author is a citizen living in Bogor

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