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G20 Summit Encourages Increased Role of Papuan Women


The G20 Forum will be held in Indonesia and there are many benefits, not only in the economic field but also in empowering women, including in Papua. With the increasing role of women in Papua, it is hoped that the quality of Human Resources (HR) will increase.

Indonesia becomes the G20 presidency and means that it will become a committee in 2022. The uniqueness of the Group of Twenty Summit (G20 Summit) is that there are several accompanying forums, namely the sherpa meeting and the W20. Especially for W20, the focus is more on women because the speakers are the first ladies of the Women of Twenty (W20.)

President Jokowi stated that the G20 Summit had concrete actions to help MSMEs and women. The Indonesian government has distributed people’s business loans of 17.8 billion dollars and was received by 1.2 million women entrepreneurs in Indonesia. In addition, there is also a program ‘fostering a prosperous family economy’ with a special capital scheme.

The government pays attention to women MSME entrepreneurs because they are the pillars of the family. When a woman becomes a businesswoman, the profits are not eaten alone, but part of it is given to her family. Indonesian women have proven to be strong entrepreneurs and try to support their children, with halal sustenance.

Women were also discussed at the G20 Summit because they had an important role in progress. Especially during a pandemic, when many men as heads of families have to be laid off by the company. Women don’t just cry bitterly but take over the responsibility and fight hard.

In addition to the G20 Summit, there is also W20 aka women 20 and this forum is held in West Papua. According to co-chairwoman Dian Siswarini, empowering women is very important in overcoming the impact of the corona virus. Indeed, the G20 global theme is ‘recover together, recover stronger’, which means that all parties work together to recover and rise from the impact of the pandemic, including women.

Dian continued, economic recovery in recovering from the impact of the pandemic must equalize women’s rights, especially in digital inclusion, financial inclusion, employment, and access to health. In a sense, the W20 forum can trigger women’s equality against men and fight for women not only to be companions, but also to be given the opportunity to advance.

The W20 Forum was deliberately held in Papua because this area has potential, both for tourism and natural wealth. When the first lady who was the speaker saw the exoticism of Papua, they realized how big the potential is on the Earth of Cendrawasih. That way, we can start trade cooperation between Indonesia and the country.

When there is W20, women’s empowerment in Papua will be further enhanced, firstly by providing opportunities for higher education. W20 countries will see a lot of smart Papuan women. It is possible that they will provide special scholarships for female students so that they can study at a much higher level.

In addition, economic cooperation will also increase women’s empowerment, because indigenous Papuan farmers will sell their produce abroad (to W20 participating countries). The mamas alias their wives become financial managers and manage how the currency is set (because it usually uses dollars), business cashflow, etc. So that women can show that they have potential.

The G20 and W20 Summit Forums have provided many benefits for Indonesia, not only in the fields of tourism and the economy, but also in the field of women’s empowerment. A woman is not only a conco wingking alias friend behind her husband, but is considered equal to men because she has great potential.

By :Rebecca Marian)* The author is a contributor to the Press Circle and Papuan Students

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