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Arrangement of Places of Worship to Prevent Radicalism


Vice President Ma’ruf Amin supports the plan to map places of worship. This step is expected to prevent the spread of radicalism.

Radicalism is increasingly spreading and radical groups and terrorists are increasingly daring to carry out attacks, both on public places and places of worship. To prevent radicalism, the government launched a mosque mapping program. However, this surprised many people, perhaps because it was the first time it had been in Indonesia.

Vice president KH Ma’ruf Amin stated that the mosque mapping program was an agreement between the religious assembly and the government to prevent radicalism. In a sense, there has been an agreement on this program with the religious council as the competent authority. So the government does not apply it by coercion.

If there is an agreement, it is clear that this program is approved because the aim is indeed to prevent the spread of radicalism in Indonesia. Don’t let this program be twisted or even say the government is preventing people from worshiping in houses of worship. Worship is a human right of every Indonesian citizen and it is impossible for the government to prevent it.

Do not let there be issues that inflame the anger of the people, who say that the government is being paranoid to the point of mapping places of worship. The reason is because this is supervision so that houses of worship function only to worship, not to become hotbeds for radical groups, or to be used as places for lectures and spreading terrorism and radicalism.

Precisely with this program, the people will be protected from radicalism, because if a house of worship is suspected of having a radical program, it will be immediately investigated and severely reprimanded. Later, people can worship in peace without fear that they will associate with radical groups.

Brigadier General Umar Effendi, Director of State Security at the National Police Intelligence and Security Agency stated that the mapping of places of worship was carried out purely to prevent radicalism. The reason is because when you see in the field, there are houses of worship that are loud (meaning they often give lectures about radicalism), semi-hard, mediocre, etc.

A tough house of worship will certainly be seen whether it is really extreme, such as inviting preachers from radical groups, spreading radicalism both secretly and openly, or even more astonishingly, even mopping the floor occupied by foreign worshipers for the first time. time to go in there.

Vice President KH Ma’ruf Amin continued, this mapping program also aims to prevent conflicts between houses of worship. In a sense, when, for example, a strong house of worship is found, aka influenced by radicalism, it must be “cleaned up” first, aka the management belonging to radical and terrorist networks must be removed. This is very important so that he does not influence the congregation to become radical and hostile to people with other beliefs.

Conflicts must be prevented because we don’t want this country to be destroyed because of incitement from radical groups that influence many people to act intolerantly and be hostile to people with other beliefs. They always use SARA issues, even though this is dangerous because it can trigger chaos and harm the government, because if there is a brawl, it has the potential to damage public facilities.

The mapping program for places of worship must be explained again so that no one misunderstands. This is not a way to prevent people from worshiping solemnly there. Instead, it will save them because this program will prevent the entry of radical groups and terrorists into houses of worship. With this program, radicalism will disappear from Indonesia.

By: Zakaria )* The author is a contributor to Pertiwi Institute

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