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Government Optimizes the Implementation of Job Creation Law


By: Putu Prawira) *
The Job Creation Law which was inaugurated at the end of 2020 will be implemented in early 2021. However, for its implementation, it is still waiting for the release of its derivative regulations. Namely 49 government regulations and presidential regulations. The government promised to implement the Job Creation Law optimally, for the welfare of the people.
The existence of the Job Creation Law had shocked the public, because there were a lot of improvements, both in the fields of investment, manpower, and forestry. This law is even called the sapujagat law, because it will overhaul almost all sectors in Indonesia. This change should not be feared, because it will improve the bureaucracy in Indonesia.
The public is anxiously awaiting the inauguration of the derivative regulations of the Job Creation Law, which consists of 49 presidential regulations and government regulations. Because if this derivative rule is fixed, the implementation of the Job Creation Law will be carried out 100%. So that the articles come into effect, such as changes in working hours and hours, giving bonuses, ease of investment, etc.
Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto stated that the government will formalize the derivative regulation of the Job Creation Law 3 months after this law is passed. The plan is that in early February, this new rule will be formalized. In the sense that currently it is only the finishing stage.
Three months of time to work out the derivative regulations of the Job Creation Law are needed so that later their implementation in the field runs smoothly. In addition, in the preparation of these derivative regulations, the related ministries and agencies are involved. So that the public will take advantage of the Job Creation Law and its derivatives.
In addition, during the period of compiling the derivative rules, it cannot be said that it was long. Because there is an allotment of the duration of time for the public to read 75% of the contents of the derivative rules of the Job Creation Law, on the official website. In fact, they can also provide input directly, so that the DPR can read and observe it.
After that the new derivative rules enter the discussion stage and finally will soon be formalized. People can no longer protest, as when there were parties demonstrating the Job Creation Law. Because they have read and provided input on the derived rules, and are obliged to agree to them.
When the derivative regulations of the Job Creation Law are passed, there is no need to be afraid. First, the contents do not contradict the law. Second, the derivative regulations will regulate in more detail the implementation of the Job Creation Law in the field. So that it will change people’s lives for the better.
When the Job Creation Law and its derivative regulations were implemented, there were enormous changes in almost all areas. For example, UMKM entrepreneurs will be helped by the UMKM cluster and the ease of doing business. Because they get a business license easily and quickly, and can be managed via online. The license is also free, so it is very helpful for young entrepreneurs.
Entrepreneurs can also cooperate with foreign investors, because in the investment cluster the Job Creation Law, there is convenience for investors. So that their business will progress, thanks to an injection of investor funds. This cooperation is mutually beneficial, and there should not be a rumor that investment is colonialism. Due to the fact, foreign investment has existed since the New Order era.
The application of the Job Creation Law also exists in the manpower sector. Employees will be happy because they get an annual bonus, according to their tenure. They also still have the right to leave and are prohibited from being fired when they are sick or when they have a work accident. The Job Creation Law is proven to protect workers.
When the Job Creation Law is implemented, the community will benefit. Because those who have small businesses, will get permission easily and quickly. Also have the opportunity to be funded by foreign investors, and develop their business. The Job Creation Law also benefits workers because they get an annual bonus and various other benefits.

) * The author is a contributor to the Cikini Press Circle and Students

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