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IPNU: Synergy is Necessary in Handling Covid-19


Jakarta, Cidiss.co – In the midst of a pandemic that is not certain when it will end, the synergy between the Government and elements of society is very much needed.

Aswandi Jailani, General Chairperson of PP IPNU, said that the synergy between mass organizations and religious leaders who want to make changes in Indonesia is not the only time but since the past, as in 1945 between NU and Muhammadiyah.

It was said Aswandi explained
As a form of synergy in handling Covid-19, mass organizations and OKP, especially IPNU is carrying out mass vaccinations.

“Not only IPNU but also OKP and other mass organizations such as IMM, Pemuda Muhammadiyah and others.
Because it’s the youth’s job to raise awareness by providing an understanding to the public that vaccination is important as an effort in handling Covid-19,” said Aswandi in a live interactive dialogue on Radio Muara Jakarta with the theme “The Importance of Synergy between Religious Leaders and Mass Organizations in Handling Covid-19” , Wednesday (18/8/2021).

Aswandi still says, in this pandemic
IPNU also conducts educational education by actively communicating about what Covid-19 is and how to handle it, such as the opinion that Covid-19 is not a fabrication.

“That Covid-19 is dangerous, vaccination is important, implementing health protocols is also necessary for each individual, that’s what we do through IPNU cadres throughout Indonesia by providing education,” said Aswandi.

Aswandi explained, there is no need to think negatively about the government but must be able to appreciate and not have to convey bad things to others.

“If you don’t believe in Covid-19, don’t invite other people. If you want Indonesia to recover quickly, let’s work together by continuing to comply with government recommendations by implementing strict health protocols, then vaccinating. When we get out of the pandemic depends on us joining hands and synergizing, ” ” he said.

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