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JPKP says Sustainable Development in Papua Needs the Support of Local Citizens


The success of development in Papua under the leadership of President Joko Widodo, starting from roads, bridges, electricity infrastructure, and airports must be continued. Not only in the next five years but in the next two to thirty.

This was conveyed by the Head of Policy and Development Assistance Network (JPKP) Bonny Mandolang in an online national webinar with the theme “Support Sustainable Development in Papua” on Wednesday (27/1/2021).

Bonny Mandolang or BAMP, as he is usually called, states that infrastructure development is not only from Sorong to Merauke, but also pays attention to other places such as, Biak Island, Yapen Islands, Mamberamo, not only between cities / districts but also between villages.

“Therefore it is necessary to involve local residents (people in the village) in development,” said BAMP.

BAMP explained that there are at least three points of sustainable development in Papua, namely, first, infrastructure that has been implemented, then secondly, development in the Food sector. So that the incidence of hungry busung in Asmat Regency in 2018 will not be repeated by building food warehouses in several places. Then the third is the telecommunications sector. Because the Internet network cannot yet be felt by all people in the Land of Papua. Remote villages and district capitals still feel minimal use of the Internet network.
The continuity of this development added BAMP, through special autonomy which is currently being discussed in the DPR through the Amendment Bill Number 21 of 2001 concerning Papua Special Autonomy.

“The purpose of the special autonomy is none other than in the context of accelerating the improvement of the welfare of the people in the land of Papua, namely for Papua and West Papua Provinces. In fact, we all agree that there will be a further division of the province, “he said.

In line with economic observers, Arif Takari Wibowo assesses the character of the Papuan people who are nomadic, quarrelsome, it is necessary to involve other parties in order to carry out development. The point is the driving force as the mediator.

“In this case, the factor of the private sector in developing Papua is our big hope, because we believe that private parties who are part of the Republic of Indonesia want the land of Papua to be developed and prosperous,” he said.

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