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Positive Trends in Indonesia’s Post-Covid-19 Economic Recovery


By: Rahmat Soleh )*

The co-19 pandemic case shook the world economy. Many countries experienced a recession, but three countries reportedly did not happen until the recession, one of which is Indonesia. This trend indicates that Indonesia experienced positive economic trends.

The impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic was indeed felt throughout the world, and in all sectors of the State order. One of them touches the economic sector, making the State officials, including the president must take the best decision for the country.

When deciding to take a New Normal decision in carrying out daily activities, it turned out to have a good impact for the Indonesian State. Since last April, all countries have been frantically dealing with workers who are forced to get the fate of layoffs (termination of employment) from the company.

The President of Indonesia and his staff have tried many ways so that Indonesia will not experience a tense economic growth lane like the others. However, it is too difficult, but these efforts are certainly still bearing fruit, at least, this country is not the country with the lowest economic lane.

Regulation after regulation is promoted, starting from the imposition of social restrictions, PSBB (large-scale social restrictions), until students are not allowed to study at school, work from home or Work For Home (WFH), until the implementation of New Normal.

Before the existence of New Normal, Indonesia’s economy was indeed not the worst-hit economy lane. But the drastic decline occurred, because most of it was encouraged to help the economy of Indonesian people who lost income, either affected by layoffs, or people who were unable to work.

This new decision, with the existence of New Normal, all activities have begun to be reinstated. Perform activities as before. So there is a significant increase, compared to before.

Indonesia’s economy shows a development rate of 0.5% when compared to other countries in the world. This was conveyed by the Minister of Economy, Airlangga Hartanto, about a good rise in the Indonesian economy. This is seen from the data last April 2020 on data made by the IMF (International Monetary Fund).

April data is a benchmark for Indonesia to be able to increase economic growth even better. As for the way, New Normal was immediately intensified. This is also done in many countries, all countries have wanted to rise again from the economic downturn that was bleak.

The three countries that did not experience a recession other than Indonesia were China and India. China, to be exact, China experienced an economic increase of 1.2%. As for India, 1.9%. this was stated by Airlangga Hartanto in a virtual discussion.

The discussion was carried out to foster the enthusiasm of the Indonesian State to immediately conduct New Normal in collaboration with compliance and recovery of the Indonesian economy. The contagious spirit is the key to success in improving the State’s economic order.

Many countries have been competing to recover from the negative economic phase. Developed countries, especially those who will try hard to be able to recover. This is as experienced by America, as one of the developed countries.

As you know, America has decreased or decreased to 5.9%. Many factors cause this to happen. Among other things because of the lack of compliance of the public with the regulations scheduled by the country.

Not only that, in America there are many companies that are more potential to attract company input from exports. Whereas the export sector is experiencing lockdown constraints and such. Not so with Indonesia.

The Indonesian state has the potential to increase economic lanes in many ways. Among these New Normal which is currently promoted. The economic increase can be supported by many groups, including the community, for this reason, it is hoped that the entire community can comply with government regulations.

)* The author is a contributor of The Jakarta Institute

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