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PSBB and Health Protocol Accompany New Normal Complete Covid-19


By: Alfisyah Kumalasari )*

The best steps are always pursued by the government, even though there is a New Normal agenda to be implemented, the implementation of the PSBB will not be revoked until the status of the Covid-19 Pandemic ends. This is the best effort.

A new discourse, has emerged, due to the existence of New Normal which is considered a bit stretching health care to avoid the plague of Covid-19. The discourse is that PSBB will continue (Large-scale restriction) so that the public will not be careless.

New Normal is definitely implemented, this is because of the common good. Make the community carry out activities, as active as ever, but still pay attention to health protocols. In order to stay as safe as possible from this dangerous virus.

The existence of fixed rules to apply the PSBB until the Covid-19 Pandemic is also an effort to extend health safety, by continuing to adhere to health protocols according to the protection standards of Covid-19.

The continued implementation of the PSBB was expressed by the Coordinating Minister for the Economy, Airlangga Hartanto. He said that although the PSBB status was not revoked, New Normal could still be implemented. So it does not preclude the implementation of New Normal.

Airlangga, in a meeting with the virtual media that was also emphasized that the understanding of New Normal is an adaptation to the new environmental conditions, and make the activities carried out into new habits.

Airlangga said, “That is adaptation, there is no unplugging.” In one sentence, it indicates that the PSBB will not be revoked of its status and will continue to be carried out until the status of the Pandemic against Covid-19 is revoked. New Normal or new normality, is one form of adaptation to CBSW.

As Coordinating Minister for the Economy, he gave a response regarding the implementation of New Normal in the midst of the implementation of the PSBB. New Normal will be implemented in stages, the intention is to adjust to the readiness of each sector.

As is well known, the sector that is most prepared is the industrial sector, and continues to be done in stages. Adjusting the readiness of each of the industries that will implement New Normal.

However, some parties suggested that the New Normal should be used as a place of worship first. This is as stated by Jusuf Kalla as DMI, Chairperson of the Indonesian Mosque Council who suggested that the place of worship be prioritized, that the New Normal be applied over the others.

Places of worship that are allowed to run New Normal are places of worship that do not enter the red zone, it is a rule of the government in carrying out the New Normal agenda, restricting entry points, doing regular disinfection cleaning and so forth.

In addition to the Ibadan house and also the industrial sector, in the midst of the implementation of this PSBB, New Normal will also be implemented in the education sector. But the implementation of New Normal in the field of education should not be done in a hurry.

Many people have been impatient to implement New Normal for the education sector, but from the direction of experts or observers, Pandemic Covid-19 suggested that New Normal should not be done in a hurry if applied to the education sector.

According to Nadiem Makarim B.A, MB.A Minister at the Ministry of Education and Culture who said that the doctor had not been able to ensure that the school would be opened, and when the New Normal would start.

But according to him, learning done face to face can only be opened in the green and yellow zone, while the red zone is only opened by distance learning.

With the implementation of the PSBB which is still ongoing, many of the above sectors will become more controlled. So when the government takes the decision to impose the PSBB, and stopping it when the Pandemic status is revoked is the right decision.

)* Active writer in the Press Circle and Cikini Students

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