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Society Appreciates Trans Papua Road Development


By: Rebecca Marian) *

Development in Papua is highly appreciated by the community. They feel more advanced after the construction of the Trans Papua Road and various other infrastructure. Papua is now more modern and is no longer synonymous with islands that only have wilderness.

President Jokowi’s administration since 2014 has been trying to build eastern Indonesia so that there is a balance of progress with the western part. Especially in Papua, because there is a huge potential for natural resources and human resources. The natural beauty, agricultural products, and the strength of the Papuan people can be honed to make it better.

Development is carried out by making giant infrastructure, for example the Trans Papua Road, which spans more than 4,000 KM. There are also Sentani International Airport, Youtefa Bridge , and others. This infrastructure was built so that transportation would run smoothly, thus facilitating the lives of Papuan civilians.

Izak Randi Hikoyabi , a Papuan leader, stated that infrastructure is the lifeblood of the sustainable development of Papuan welfare. It will also have a positive impact in the future. Because the Cendrawasih Earth will have more and more inhabitants, they need infrastructure to support smooth transportation.

The airport in Sentani has been beautified and upgraded to an international standard so that foreign tourists feel comfortable. They can fly from their country and land there, then continue their journey to Raja Ampat for diving . Alternatively, they coud visit Cendrawasih Bay National Park, Lake Sentani, or see exotic Baliem.

Imron Cotan , an observer of Papua, stated that the infrastructure built in Bumi Cendrawasih will make it easier for people to market their crops and speed up the distribution of goods. In this sense, they no longer need to pass through the forest, but just go to Jalan Trans Papua and can sell their land more quickly.

With the fast distribution of goods by road, it will save costs. Because previously we had to go by air, so the price jumped sharply, because airplane aviation fuel was very expensive. However, now the goods distribution can be missed by the long and smooth Trans Papua Road, so prices can be lowered.

Development in Papua is also supported by the BBM 1 price program. If the first price of a liter of gasoline could be up to 100,000 rupiah in daaerah remote, then now could be suppressed so that the price is almost the same as in Java. This government program makes people no longer have trouble spending transportation costs.

Imron Cotan added that the infrastructure will facilitate people’s access to prosperity. Because they can transport more crops by pickup or truck through the Trans Papua Road. Whereas in the past it was not possible, because they had to pass through the forest and be brought by themselves. If brought by plane will be much more expensive.

Otis Rio from the Papuan Care Society also stated that the Papuan people are proud to be part of Indonesia, because thanks to President Jokowi there is a lot of development there. The President really cares for the Earth of Paradise. Even from the era of President Soekarno until now, only Jokowi as the President has visited Papua the most.

The development initiated by President Jokowi is very helpful, because the program to modernize Papua is not only by building infrastructure. However, there are also special autonomy scholarships that promote Papuan children so that they can receive education from elementary to tertiary education. This scholarship is what made Billy Mambrasar the success it is today.

In Papua currently there are various infrastructures as a result of development by the government. People in Bumi Cendrawasih are very grateful for the progress there, because it can facilitate transportation and facilitate the distribution of goods. Papua is becoming more modern and prosperous.

) * The author is a Papuan student living in Yogyakarta

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