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Society Needs Prokes Discipline, Covid-19 Is Still Ferocious


By: Danila Kusumawardhani ) *

The increasing number of corona patients requires the public to be even more disciplined in maintaining health and hygiene. Especially now that many OTGs do not know that they are positively infected with the Covid-19 virus, and are still active as usual. Never forget to apply health protocols and maintain immunity, so you don’t contract the corona.

The pandemic in Indonesia is still not over, but people are starting to loosen up in maintaining health protocols. Indeed they are still wearing masks, but some are wearing them carelessly and don’t cover their noses. They also forgot to always wash their hands and began to dare to violate physical distancing by visiting the crowd.

Year-end holidays are a terrible time, because they can create a new corona cluster. At tourist attractions and on trips, there could be crowds that make Covid-19 patients soar. Therefore, if you really want to have a picnic, look for a quiet place. Not the ones that are being hits on social media, because they will definitely be filled with visitors.

The government has anticipated crowds by requiring rapid test results before passengers of trains and planes travel. In Puncak, before tourists want to go up there, there is a mass rapid test, and those who are positive for corona are not allowed to enter the area. Even in Bali, the requirement for tourists to enter there is a swab test, because the results are more accurate.

Even though they have passed the rapid and swab tests, tourists are required to obey other health protocols such as wearing masks and washing their hands diligently. According to doctor Reisa Broto Asmoro, the effectiveness of new corona prevention occurs when at least 70% of people wear masks. So always remember to wear a mask when traveling.

When traveling, bring at least 3 dozen spare masks, because according to WHO standards, a mask can only be worn for a maximum of 4 hours. On the road to a tourist spot, when someone is not wearing a mask, give them a sheet. So that we can help others and prevent transmission of corona.

When eating at restaurants near tourist attractions, look for ones that are quiet and adhere to health protocols. All employees wear masks, not just face shields . There is a place for washing hands, and chairs and tables are arranged to maintain distance between visitors. Pay food bills using electronic money, in order to minimize droplet transmission through banknotes.

Even if we decide not to travel, we still have to adhere to health protocols. If you go to a neighboring stall, keep wearing a mask. Because we don’t know who has had contact in the residential area and it turns out to be OTG. When you get home, wash your hands, rinse your mouth, and change clothes. If you need to take a shower and wash it at once to keep it hygienic.

Adhering to health protocols is very important, because currently the number of corona patients has increased dramatically. Every day there are more than 6,000 people infected with the Covid-19 virus. The hospital was full and refused corona patients. Even if those who are seriously ill and are only isolated independently at home, they don’t get maximum care.

Do not neglect in the slightest to adhere to health protocols, because lives are at stake. Do you want to have to be treated and confused about finding a ventilator, when your breath starts to become short? You also have to take various medicines and when you don’t have a BPJS card, you have to pay expensive maintenance fees.

Corona is still there and don’t forget its presence. Always comply with health protocols such as wearing a mask, washing your hands diligently, carrying hand sanitizers , and keeping your distance. Don’t feel tired to discipline yourself and your family to adhere to health protocols. Because we certainly don’t want to be infected by the covid-19 virus.

) * The author is a United Muslim Millennial contributor

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