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Supports the Implementation of Large Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB)


By: Ismail) *

In the midst of the Covid-19 Pandemic, the Government implemented a Large-Scale Social Restriction in order to break the chain of the spread of the corona virus. Even though many public facilities have been closed, several vital sectors such as health facilities, markets or minimarkets remain open during the PSBB. The community also supports this option because it is considered capable of preventing transmission of the disease while maintaining public purchasing power.

The Large-Scale Social Restrictions Policy (PSBB) is contained in the Permenkes 2020 regarding PSBB in the context of accelerating the handling of co-19.

              Meanwhile, the Financial Services Authority (OJK) has ensured that the financial services industry can continue to operate during the implementation of the PSBB.

              Anto Prabowo as Deputy Commissioner for Public Relations and Logistics of OJK said, in its operations, OJK asked financial service institutions to work with the minimum number of employees, in addition to prioritizing efforts to prevent the spread of Covid-19 in accordance with the protocol in the workplace.

              The OJK has also coordinated with the local government and local police. This is needed to ensure the operational services of financial service institutions and / or investment transactions in the capital market run well.

              On different occasions, Political Communication Observer Hendri Satrio said, the PSBB policy was an effective way for the Indonesian people to learn from what China and Italy had done in dealing with the global corona virus pandemic.

              He considered, PSBB in Jakarta and several other regions in Indonesia must implement PSBB in a disciplined manner. Discipline here means to comply with all protocols implemented by the government.

              So that the massive health campaign should be able to be used starting from the regional head to the RW level.

              The RW Head or the Village Head are of course expected to be able to appeal and guarantee their citizens to always obey the government’s recommendations. This of course can only be done if the coordination within the government works well.

              PSBB is also applied in capital buffer cities such as Bogor, Depok and Bekasi, as an effort to reduce virus corona transmission . The implementation is projected to be able to reduce up to 50 percent of the spread of co-19 in the three regions.

              That is, the number of positive sufferers can decrease every day. For example from 30 people can be 15 people.

              The key to the success of PSBB results is discipline and minimizing community movements. Daud emphasized that the community must also follow all procedures and protocols related to the implementation of the PSBB in the BODEBEK. If the community ignores it, the PSBB projection will not be achieved maximally.

              On the other hand, Daud saw the movement of people into the Bodebek area on the first day of the implementation of the PSBB starting to decrease. From his monitoring there has been a decrease in the volume of vehicles passing into the Bogor area via the Ciawi Toll Road.

              During the PSBB, of course all kinds of activities that have the potential to create crowds will not get permission from anywhere.

              Even though the recovery rate for covid-19 has increased, people still have to be aware of the possibility of spreading the virus.

              Because, it is not impossible that the phenomenon of other countries that have successfully passed the peak phase towards zero increase will also experience a second wave of pandemic.

              This spread was marked by the repeating of the case to someone who had been declared negative in fact had contracted it again.

              In China, the second wave occurred due to cases of imports originating from outside the country. Therefore, PSBB must be applied strictly and supported with vigilance against the possibility of corona virus spread.

              We need to know that the government has issued guidelines and health protocols in dealing with co-19 with the World Health Organization (WHO) standard.

              In this case, we all have an important role to play in preventing the spread of the corona virus, which until now has been able to vacate school and campus seats.

              PSBB itself does not mean that the government has set a lockdown, where people are still allowed to leave the house for food and health purposes .

In the lockdown condition, people are not allowed to leave the house at all, all transportation ranging from cars, motorcycles, trains, to aircraft can not operate. Not only that, President Jokowi also explained that all office activities could be stopped, if a lockdown occurred.

              Therefore, PSBB is an effective strategy to break the chain of the spread of the corona virus, of course this must be based on the awareness of the public not to flock to and not abide by existing protocols when outside the home.

) * The author is a contributor to the Indonesian Strategic Information Study Institute (LSISI)

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