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Beware of the Spread of Radical Understanding When the Pandemic Covid-19


By: Zulkarnain ) *

The attack on the police in Poso, Central Sulawesi on Wednesday (15/4) is evidence that radicalism and terror still continue to move even during the Covid-19 pandemic. The government and society must not be careless and continue to work together to stem the forbidden ideology.

              Acts of terror as a result of radical understanding took place again in Poso, where members of the police tasked with guarding security at the Bank Syariah Mandiri branch office in Poso, Central Sulawesi Province, were attacked by a group of armed civilians. One of them was reportedly injured by a shot.

              The Head of Public Relations of Central Sulawesi Regional Police, Kombes Didik Supranoto, said that there were members who were injured by gunfire and jabbing. The incident occurred on Jalan Pulau Irian Jaya, Gebang Re jo, Poso Regency.

              The two perpetrators came riding motorbikes in tandem, then immediately attacked the police officers. The two police were attacked at 09.15 WITA.

              The two perpetrators allegedly were members of the Eastern Indonesian Mujahidin (MIT) terrorist group. Although the two perpetrators managed to escape, but the police have managed to secure the perpetrators’ weapons. The two perpetrators are Muis Fahron alias Abdullah and Ali alias Darwin Gobel

              Around 13.00 WITA, the two perpetrators had been arrested and both were killed, but the police had not yet specified the cause of death of the two perpetrators.

              Didik said the two perpetrators were members of the MIT terrorist group led by Ali K alora.

              He said, the police would continue to pursue members of the group. But he claimed not to have data on how many MIT group members remained.

              Keep in mind, that the MIT group is a group that is a core supporter of ISIS, including radical groups such as JAT, MIB and Al Mujahirun which are radical factions of Hizb ut-Tahrir Indonesia (HTI).

              The MIT group in the Mount Tamanjeka forest area, Poso, is a generation from the old group network of cells A bu Umar and Noordin M Top.

              According to the observer of terrorism, Fajar Purwadidada, the problem of terrorism is central to the movement of terrorist groups in Indonesia. Nearly all movements suspected of being terrorists are now a network of MIT supporters.

              Beraga m terrorist acts that occur in a number of countries including Indonesia, based on the fertility of radical thought in individuals. Where this thinking is the result of various things, ranging from radical studies, or content that leads to an attitude of democracy in Indonesia.

              On a different occasion, the Former Prisoner of Terrorism with the initials RL said that at this time he was trying not to take part in radicalism activities even towards terrorism. He will also help the security forces to maintain the security and security situation in Poso.

              According to RL, currently most ex-marriages are very supportive of government policies to help create a safe and peaceful Kamtibmas situation in the Poso and Central Sulawesi regions.

              Not only that, RL also senate to invite other sympathizers to no longer join and carry out activities that lead to acts of terrorism that can disrupt the Kamtibmas situation, this is because it can harm yourself and others.

              He also emphasized that understanding and ideology hard toward radicalism could be the basis for someone to carry out acts of terrorism.             

              For radicals, criticism over the issue of ideological differences is a religious jihad which is often deified without the existence of humanitarian jihad. Those who are radical will assume that doing damage or injuring someone who disagrees is a jihad, even if it causes casualties.

              Of course, Deradicalization is the first step in the de-ideological action of radical ideas in Indonesia. The government must direct ex-convicts of terrorism (napiter) to spread and straighten the understanding of religion in accordance with Islamic teachings, that Islam is a religion that rahmatan lil ‘alamin.

              Of course, to tackle radicalism, the government requires systematic, structured and massive efforts to deal with radicalism. You can’t do it only if you do sporadic activities.

              Poso is one of the regencies that has villages that are leraned towards differences, deradicalization efforts must of course be accompanied by a spirit of tolerance, because being different does not mean hostile or hurtful.

) * The writer is a Kendari IAIN student

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