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The Omnibus Law of the Work Creation Bill benefits workers by setting a decent minimum wage


By: Ade Kurniawan) *

Workers are eagerly awaiting the inauguration of the omnibus law on the Job Creation Bill, because the UMK will be deleted. However, that does not mean that their salaries have decreased. UMK has indeed been changed to UMP but the nominal is confirmed according to their needs. The Omnibus law of the Job Creation Bill guarantees the prosperity of employees, they even get an annual bonus.

The Omnibus Law on the Job Creation Bill will change the face of the world of workforce. There are 11 clusters, ranging from investment, economic area, to employment. One of the goals of the omnbus law on the Job Creation Bill was to prosper employees and overcome their economic problems after being hit by the impact of the corona .

However, unfortunately the employees are agitated to hear the word ‘ change’, because it is always synonymous with negative things. In the Omnibus Law of the Job Creation Bill, the city minimum wage is changed to the provincial minimum wage, and is determined by the governor. Employee salaries drastically reduced fear and start to design a demonstration against omnibu s law Bill of Human Work.

The head of HIPMI Bali Agung Bagus Pratiksa Linggih stated that the omnibus Law on the Job Creation Bill actually benefited workers. Because articles in the labor law that are harmful to them are deleted and replaced with new ones. Moreover, in Law number 13 of 2003, UMK is regulated by the governor. So if the UMK is replaced by the UMP and determined by the governor, it doesn’t violate the rules.

Setting the minimum wage by the Governor makes it easier to calculate. Because so far the MSEs in cities A and B are different, even though they are located close together and the provinces are the same. If the wages are equalized it will be easier to pay. The governor also understands how much the community needs and it is impossible to pay a low nominal fee.

In article 88C of the Job Creation Bill, it is stated that the UMP is a safety net. The purpose of this article is that the minimum wage can secure workers. Then in practice , UMP is only given to employees with a work period of less than a year. After that, he got a salary above the UMP. So it is not true that employee salaries will decrease because the omnibus law only benefits employers.

In fact, employers who do not pay their employees’ salaries according to the Provincial Minimum Wage will be prosecuted by Disnaker . Because in practice , not all companies and factories provide salaries as big as UMP. In fact, the work period can be more than 8 hours a day and not counted as overtime.

In the omnibus law Article 88B of the Work Creation Bill, it is said that the wage standard is determined by the unit of time and / or unit of yield. This article can ensnare rogue businessmen who refuse to pay overtime pay. There is also another article in the Work copyright Bill which stipulates that the maximum working week is 40 hours or 8 hours a day.

Wage standards in time units do not necessarily reduce employee salaries. Hopefully, with this rule, they will be more enthusiastic in the office and come to work on time, and also go home on time. If overtime, you even get money from the company. With this article, employee performance will increase, because the brand works wholeheartedly.

So, employees do not need to be afraid of the omnibus law on the Job Creation Bill, let alone hold a demonstration against it. Because it is precisely this law that benefits workers. Employees are given a minimum wage of the UMP and those who work for more than a year are confirmed to have a salary above the UMP standard. Even contract workers are also paid according to the UMP.

The Omnibus Law of the Job Creation Bill is a solution to restructure the employment climate. Employees receive a decent salary, at least UMP. They are also entitled to pay for overtime and working hours have been limited to a maximum of 40 hours a week. Let us support the omnibus law of the Job Creation Bill because it makes workers prosperous.

) * The author is a contributor to the media property

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