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Why There Should Be A People Power?


By: Dewi Komalasari) *

Why should I take part in the election if he doesn’t believe in the KPU’s performance? Then after losing to the incumbent, the sympathizers took the initiative to take unconstitutional actions, such as people power which in fact was not something wise.

Is it possible for the BPN camp to feel desperate to have to mobilize the masses to make a narrative that the KPU has been fraudulent or that the election is full of systematic cheating.

Not long ago the Election Supervisory Board (Bawaslu) rejected the report of the National Winning Body (BPN) Prabowo – Sandiaga regarding alleged 2019 Election fraud in a structured, systematic and massive manner (TSM)

            The refusal is certainly not without reason, because it turns out the evidence submitted by Prabowo – Sandiaga BPN does not meet the criteria as stipulated in Bawaslu Regulation Number 8 of 2018.

            The report submitted by the BPN through Djoko Santoso and BPN Secretary Hanafi Rais, only attached 73 copies of news from online media. According to Bawaslu commissioner Ratna Dewi Pettalolo, this is not enough.

            Where the BPN should bring other supporting evidence, such as documents, letters, and videos. If only reporting suspected fraud based on evidence in the form of mass media, then the Party stated that what was submitted by the reported party did not meet the criteria of evidence.

            In addition, the Election Supervisory Body also rejected reports of alleged electoral fraud in a structured, systematic and massive manner that was posted by BPN spokesperson Dian Islami Fatwa.

            The report, according to Ratna, did not include evidence showing Jokowi’s efforts – Ma’ruf committed structured, systematic and massive fraud in the 2019 Presidential Election.

            Of the refusal, of course the people power movement which is planned to be held on May 22 will be a movement based on rumors that are not evidence-proof.

            So what exactly is Prabowo’s strategy, so that he states that he won but on the different side he said that the KPU was cheating. So that he also guarantees people power that is claimed to be jihad, which turns out that the movement only indicates that someone is not ready to lose the election.

            The movement also received a response from the TNI Commander, Marshal Hadi. Where he said if there were parties who intentionally would disrupt the NKRI it would be dealt with firmly.

            “We will not tolerate, and crack down on all efforts that will disrupt public order and unconstitutional actions that damage the democratic process,” said the 4-star general.

            Indonesian House Speaker Bambang Soesatyo also stated that the current People Power action was not needed in Indonesia. He considered that the movement could be done if it fulfilled elements such as the economic crisis and the government was running authoritarianally.

            “The discourse of the launching of people power is certainly not the right time, because there is no precarious situation that forces. If it is forced, the losers will be the Indonesian people, “said Bamsoet, Bambang Soesatyo’s nickname.

            In parts of the Middle East, People Power is always used to mention mass movements that oppose the authorities. People who move generally have a single demand, namely democracy or how democracy can be applied in their country.

            In Indonesia, People Power also began to be used when people tried to overthrow the Suharto regime which had been in power for 32 years.

            The term People Power then reappeared in the era of Jokowi’s leadership, where the term echoed again when the democratic party took place. However, the movement carried out by the BPN Prabowo-Sandiaga camp was slowly slowing down, because the Prabowo-Sandiaga coalition was less compact.

            If the movement is to be carried out, then the community should not be provoked by the mobilization of the period which is contrary to the existing legislative system, especially relating to complaints of electoral violations.

            The dangerous thing is that the police also revealed a terrorist plan that would exploit the people power moment by carrying out bomb attacks. If this happens, there will certainly be a variety of suspicions between groups.

            Certainly people power is a movement that is unconstitutional and irrelevant to Indonesia. Of course it takes thinking maturity in addressing all issues and news about the massive and structured KPU fraud.

            Then why should there be people power, while many BPN leaders favor people power, but choose to go abroad.

) * The author is a sociopolitical observer

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