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AMN Manado Built Magnificent, Supporting Student Awareness Improvement


Manado – Nurdiana Habibie, Head of the Prasarana Hall of Northern Sulawesi Territory Settlements (BPPW Sulut), reaffirmed that the Nusantara Student Hall (AMN) Manado will be magnificently built.

Nurdiana explains that the land area of AMN Manado reaches 20 thousand m2 with a building area of 1.595 m2.

“Not only that, but the AMN also has a meeting building, a versatile room, a sports field, a park, road access and a parking area,” he said.

Furthermore, Nurdiana said that with the full support of the various parties will clearly drive the successful construction of AMN Manado.

“We very much expect the support of all the parties involved, so that the construction of this Manado AMN can go well,” he added.

Earlier, the Special Staff of the Board of Directors of the Pancasila Ideological Building Agency (BPIP), Romo Benny Susetyo, assessed that the AMN not only serves as a residence, but also as a means to enhance student insight.

At AMN, students can learn rhetoric, organization, as well as building arguments and public opinion.

“With enough time to stay in the hostel and a lot of buildings there, it will clearly be able to give birth to a young generation of qualified and highly competitive,” said Romo Benny Susetyo.

On the other hand, Deputy Rector I of the Academic Field of Unsrat Manado, Prof. Dr. Ir. Grevo Soleman Gerung, gives high appreciation for the development of AMN.

He noted that under the direction and guidance of the Ministry of Buddhism, Sam Ratulangi University (Unsrat) Manado provides full support for the development of Manado AMN.

“With the AMN, we hope that the students can sharpen their skills to the maximum and are ready to compete in national and international competitions,” added Prof. Gerung.

As for the development of AMN in six regions in Indonesia, it is a collaborative effort under the responsibility of ministries and institutions, of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN), the Ministry of Defence, the PUPR Ministry, the Ministries of Education and Risk. (*)

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