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BIN Builds a Young Generation of Love for the Motherland Through AMN Manado


The construction of the Archipelago Student Dormitory (AMN) in Manado, North Sulawesi, is a strategic step in an effort to create a young generation of Indonesians who love their homeland. This dormitory is not only a place to live for students, but also a place to instill nationalist values, improve the quality of human resources (HR), and build togetherness among youth from various backgrounds. With the existence of AMN Manado, it is hoped that a young generation will be created who not only excels academically but also has strong character and love for the country.

Manado, as one of the big cities in Eastern Indonesia, has great potential in contributing to a highly competitive young generation. With the existence of the Nusantara Student Dormitory, it is hoped that students from various parts of the country can interact with each other, exchange ideas and build strong networks. The presence of this dormitory is a symbol of diversity and the spirit of mutual cooperation which has long been a characteristic of the Indonesian nation.

One of the positive impacts of the development of AMN Manado is improving the quality of human resources. As expressed by the Governor of North Sulawesi, Olly Dondokambey, AMN is not just a physical building, but also a symbol of commitment to human resource development. At AMN Manado, students will get a conducive environment for learning, creativity and collaboration. With adequate facilities, they can develop their potential to the maximum, both in academic and non-academic fields.

Improving the quality of human resources is also supported by various parties, such as the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbud Ristek), Sam Ratulangi University (Unsrat), and the State Intelligence Agency (BIN). This collaboration between the government, universities and related agencies shows seriousness in creating a superior and highly competitive young generation.

AMN Manado is not only a place to live, but also a place to instill the values ​​of nationalism and togetherness. Students who live in this dormitory come from various regions in Indonesia, with diverse ethnic, religious and cultural backgrounds. This diversity is an important asset in forming an inclusive and tolerant student character.

At AMN Manado, students will be taught character and discipline education, as well as the formation of a spirit of nationalism. Through various activities together, they will learn to respect each other and understand differences. In this way, AMN Manado becomes a miniature Indonesia that reflects the spirit of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika.

As stated by the Special Staff of the Chair of the Steering Committee of the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency (BPIP), Antonius Benny Susetyo, the existence of AMN Manado is ideal for the cadre of the nation’s future leaders. With inclusive education, students at AMN Manado will become a generation that has quality human resources with character and is able to lead a diverse Indonesia.

AMN Manado also provides opportunities for students from various backgrounds to optimize their potential. Scholarship programs such as the Smart Indonesia Card (KIP) and the Adik Papua Program enable students from underprivileged families or remote areas to get a decent education. By living at AMN, they will get adequate facilities to study and develop themselves.

Assistant Chancellor I of Sam Ratulangi University, Prof. Dr. Ir. Grevo Soleman Gerung, expressed his full support for the development of AMN Manado. According to him, AMN Manado will provide great benefits for Unsrat students, especially for those who come from areas far from educational centers. With AMN Manado, students can focus on their studies without having to worry about housing issues.

The conducive environment at AMN Manado also encourages collaboration and innovation among students. By gathering students from various universities and backgrounds, a rich exchange of ideas and thoughts will be created. It is hoped that this collaboration between students can produce new innovations that are beneficial to society and the nation.

The presence of AMN Manado also allows for synergy between the academic world and industry. With support from various ministries and institutions, students at AMN Manado will get access to various training and skills development programs that are relevant to industry needs. This will prepare them to become workers who are ready to compete in the global market.

The construction of the Archipelago Student Dormitory (AMN) in Manado has had a significant positive impact in building a young generation of Indonesians who love their homeland. By improving the quality of human resources, instilling nationalist values, optimizing student potential, and encouraging collaboration and innovation, AMN Manado is an ideal forum for creating future leaders of excellence and character.

In the long term, it is hoped that the construction of the Nusantara Student Dormitory in Manado can become a model for other cities in Indonesia. With the existence of similar dormitories in various regions, it is hoped that a young generation of Indonesians will be formed who have a strong spirit of nationalism and are ready to contribute to realizing a Golden Indonesia 2045. A young generation who is educated, broad-minded and has a high sense of love for the country will be an asset. valuable for this nation. Therefore, support from all parties is needed so that the AMN program can run smoothly as desired.

)* The author is a student at Gorontalo State University

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