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Coaching AMN Strategy Printable AMN Student Leader Nation


By: Muhammad Irandito

Student Dormitory (AMN) in Surabaya has was inaugurated by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), Tuesday (29/11/2022). New AMNs inaugurated the located in the Siwalankerto area , Surabaya City, East Java .

Head of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN), Budi Gunawan , said in accordance instruction President Jokowi, goal from AMN development is for be a model house Diversity and Home Together Archipelago aimed at to students _ with carry the values of Pancasila and Bhineka Tunggal Ika .

AMNs are effort collaborative from several Ministries and Institutions such as BIN, Ministry of Defense , Ministry of PUPR, Ministry of Education, Culture , Research , and Higher Education, Ministry of Religion, and Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries . Besides In addition , the development of AMN also involves Regional Government and Universities located around the area . _

Student Dormitory (AMN) is a dormitory built by the ministry Work Public and Public Housing (PUPR) accordingly with Regulation President ( Perpres ) Number 106 of 2021. Decree for Secrete perpres the according to writer is right thing _ in build a sense of diversity and unity of Indonesia. it _ poured in Perpres Number 106 of 2021 which weighs that for increase score diversity nationalism and fraternity compatriots for students who have diversity ethnic group nation , language , culture , and religion and origin from various college tall need conducted assimilation student through development and management of student dormitories archipelago .

Temporary for the management and development of AMN is carried out by the Ministry of Education and Culture with involving BIN, TNI, Polri , Kemenpora and Pemprov . In the management and development of AMN, the Ministry of Education and Culture also empowers local state university .

Related with the AMN program, the State Intelligence Agency will become the leading sector in coaching conducted at the Archipelago Student Dormitory . BIN is institution non- ministerial government on duty doing Duty government in the field Intelligence . BIN that has Duty as line first in security national this will foster students _ AMN residents .

Writer see , BIN which is engaged in fields intelligence have extensive knowledge and intelligence _ as well as ability in guard unity and union the Indonesian nation has role important in build student AMN expert . BIN has capacity in build nationality , nationality , character students of Pancasila, state defense , entrepreneurship , leadership , and pioneering in accordance from what ‘s listed in Perpres Number 106 of 2021.

Budi Gunawan also added hopefully this AMN be one _ center his birth candidates leader powerful future nation _ _ compete tall , have spirit national defense , sense of nationalism strong in NKRI frame , as well faithful to Pancasila and the 1945 UUD Constitution .

first AMN in Indonesia is miniature for formulation candidate insightful leader _ archipelago character Bhinneka Tunggal Ika . So this expected Becomes miniature formulation candidate insightful leader _ archipelago character Bhinneka Tunggal Ika . They can each other give appreciation from differences and diversity of each ethnic group custom language and religion of each student .

Archipelago Student Dormitory (AMN) can also used for build brotherhood between student from various tribe in one place . Writer think , nursery the value of the Archipelago and Diversity could awakened in one mutual process know daily them . So interaction in the hostel is effective thing . _

Vision from AMN development _ is unite difference incoming students _ from whole Provinces in Indonesia. So that they can mingle from various Tribe , Religion, and Race. For that , BIN as the leading sector in To do coaching to AMN students must can prepare training forms in a manner substantive in accordance with the indicators listed in the Presidential Decree Number 106 of 2021 which is breath from the Archipelago Student Dormitory .

AMN construction in Surabaya started done since 17 September 2021 and refers to the Regulations President ( Perpres ) Number 106 of 2021. Apart from Surabaya, AMN will also built in a number city in Indonesia such as South Jakarta (DKI Jakarta), Makassar (South Sulawesi), Minahasa (North Sulawesi), Malang ( East Java ) and Bantul (Yogyakarta).

The development of AMN in Surabaya is an accurate strategy Government for unite future youth will Becomes leader nation . because _ that , already properly , policy the get appreciation from all party .

* Researcher at MPPI


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