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Demonstrations Disturb Public Order and Order, Job Creation Law Proven to Protect and Empower Workers


By: Anindira Putri Maheswani

The existence of the Job Creation Law provides protection and empowerment to workers. For this reason, the public strongly rejects demonstrations or demonstrations, especially regarding the Job Creation Law because they are prone to being exploited by interest groups to create anarchic actions.

The demonstration against the Job Creation Law held by the Labor Party together with the Confederation of Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPI) on July 8 2024 at the Constitutional Court (MK) Building and State Palace, Jakarta did not represent the community. Because in reality there is no important substance in carrying out these demonstrations or demonstrations. The reason is, what they are concerned about actually brings many benefits to society.

The Government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) passed the Job Creation Law in order to provide full protection and empowerment to workers, which indicates alignment and a strong commitment to their welfare.

So, if the existence of a set of rules that is actually very useful is actually welcomed by demonstrations or demonstrations, which in these actions have the potential to disrupt national security, then it is clear that the demonstration is very vulnerable to being ridden and infiltrated by irresponsible parties who only want to undermine the stability and security of the country.

The Executive Director of Indonesian Political Parameters (PPI), Adi Prayitno, said that every demonstration or demonstration is clearly very vulnerable to someone taking advantage of it. This is no exception to the demonstration to reject the Job Creation Law, which according to this observer is also very vulnerable to being manipulated by certain parties.

Some parties who could be riding on demonstrations or demonstrations could come from various elements such as friends, student activists or even a handful of elites who may have an interest in this set of rules.

Demonstrations themselves are political activities that require the mobilization of support such as transportation or logistics facilities. However, this would be wrong if the masses being mobilized were those who did not understand the subject or ins and outs of the law they rejected. In fact, they are often deployed just to cause riots.

In a similar vein, University of Pelita Harapan (UPH) political observer Emrus Sihombing also assessed that the demonstration against the Job Creation Law was very clearly an act of riding on one another. For him, these are not all pure demonstrations to express aspirations or demands.

In a political phenomenon, including demonstrations or rallies, it is a series of events that do not just appear suddenly. Because in reality there is no human behavior that is not planned beforehand.

The government has indeed issued the Job Creation Law, where in the employment context, the existence of this set of regulations is proof of the government’s strong commitment to providing worker protection and business continuity to be able to answer the challenges of developing employment dynamics.

According to the Minister of Manpower (Menaker), Ida Fauziyah, the substance of employment contained in the Job Creation Law is the government’s effort to provide adaptive protection for workers or laborers in facing increasingly dynamic employment challenges.

Apart from that, the various protection points that have been stated in the Job Creation Law are also very much in line with the results of shared aspirations with the community in various regions in Indonesia as well as studies by various independent institutions.

The government’s main considerations in passing the Job Creation Law are for the creation and increase of job opportunities, protection for workers or laborers and also business continuity in Indonesia.

All the regulations in the Job Creation Law itself are very biased towards workers, in fact the government has specifically designed them to fulfill all their rights. There are three main aspects in the design, namely providing protection for people who have difficulty finding employment. With the Job Creation Law, the government is trying to continue to increase investment from within and outside the country so that more jobs can be created in Indonesia.

The second aspect is that the government, through the Job Creation Law, is trying to improve the protection of workers with the existence of a Specific Time Work Agreement (PKWT), because the previous regulations did not clearly state the rights of workers with this status.

Protection continues to occur, including increased guarantees starting from the implementation of working hours and rest periods, all of which now have clearer and firmer regulations and are very supportive of workers. Furthermore, the government also provides protection to workers who experience Termination of Employment (PHK) through a social security scheme.

With so many benefits from the presence of the Job Creation Law which clearly favors workers or workers because it guarantees protection and empowerment, it is actually very irrelevant if there are demonstrations or demonstrations against this regulation. Apart from that, the demonstration will increasingly have the potential to cause national security disturbances. It is appropriate for workers to participate in maintaining political stability and security for the sake of sustaining a conducive investment climate.

)* The author is a contributor to the Persada Institute

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