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Appreciating the Government Requires Companies to Pay THR


By: Kenia Putri )*

The Ministry of Manpower (Kemenaker) has set an obligation on all companies to pay the 2022 religious holiday allowance (THR) to workers. The public also appreciates the government’s firm stance in favor of workers.

The government is charged with the obligation to pay the THR in full in 2022. Therefore, the Government through the Ministry of Manpower has imposed a number of strict supervision through the establishment of the 2022 THR Command Post. Netty Prasetiyani as a Member of Commission IX of the Indonesian House of Representatives did not lag behind in responding to the government’s efforts. For him, this effort deserves the highest appreciation. The reason is that it is undeniable that the business world has started to show its revival after the Covid-19 pandemic continues to show a softening of the curve in Indonesia. Therefore, it actually makes entrepreneurs no longer have any reason to cut the THR belonging to their workers/laborers.

The government’s firmness is trying to show that in fact the status of religious THR payments is an absolute obligation that must be carried out by every company and is not a voluntary gift giving. For this reason, the Government will also continue to carry out various checks and ensure that, for example, there are companies with reasons of economic difficulties so that they do not pay 100 percent of the THR to their employees.

Furthermore, the pressure from the Government, especially the Ministry of Manpower, for all companies to pay THR for their workers is something that should be appreciated because of course it is able to help the community so that the pressure of the economic situation with the increase in various basic commodities can be more lightened. Starting from the price of cooking oil, BBM to 3kg LPG which has increased, at least it will be helped if they are able to be guaranteed to receive THR rights.

The Ministry of Manpower also emphasized that all workers with various statuses will be guaranteed their rights by the Government. So not only permanent employees, even contract workers, outsourcing workers, temporary workers and casual daily workers have the same right to get the 2022 religious THR. Regarding the amount, the Minister of Manpower said that for workers who have worked for at least one year, get one month of their salary as THR.

Then for those who work less than one year, the THR that can be given can be calculated proportionally according to company policy. However, there is one point that is emphasized and this is very good because THR 2022 is strictly prohibited to be given in installments. So in other words, THR 2022 payments must be directly given in cash to workers.

Especially for companies that do have big profits, the Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziyah even further advised that they can provide a THR that is greater than just one month’s salary. Not only monetary, he also added that the additional THR can also be used as basic necessities.

Of course, when all religious THR payments can be made in full and in full, then we can all work together to continue to improve the overall Indonesian people so that the wheels of the national economy will be able to move again after the pandemic in accordance with the targets of the Government as well.

The Indonesian Trade Union Association (ASPEK) also appreciates the steps taken by the Government to continue to oversee the distribution of THR distribution, including by establishing a THR Command Post in order to accommodate worker complaints. The workers also hope that the Government is able to give strict sanctions to companies that do not pay their workers’ rights and publish the company’s name widely.

The government has implemented various ways so that the distribution of THR 2022 can run smoothly. Therefore, the community, especially workers, are asked to be wise and continue to support these various policies so that they can be realized as expected.

) * The author is a contributor to the Press Circle and Cikini Students

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