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Hundreds of Interested Investors Invest in IKN


By: Gema Iva Kirana )*

IKN Nusantara is currently under development and there is a lot of support from investors. As many as 200 investors are interested in investing in IKN. The presence of many investors is very good because this mega project will be completed on time. IKN will be built into a modern city and become the pride of Indonesia.

The development of IKN is getting more massive ahead of its inauguration in 2024. Both domestic and foreign investors are very interested in investing their capital. The government allows investors to invest there in order to support the development of IKN. With a cooperative system, it will be mutually beneficial.

Investors are sure of the future of IKN which will become a modern capital city with smart concepts: green city, smart city, and sponge city. The arrival of investors will make IKN more advanced and become the most spectacular capital city.

The Archipelago Capital City Authority (OIKN) Bambang Susantono is actively offering local and international investors to support the development of the Archipelago IKN. Until now, there have been 200 Letters of Intent (LOI) or letters of interest for investing in IKN Nusantara.

Investment interest in IKN in the 200 LOI consists of various fields. The following details: first educational facilities, then health facilities, housing, mixed use, offices, utilities, consultants, energy, connectivity, waste management. Then there is infrastructure in the industrial zone, goods and services, and technology.

With so many investors , it is very good because it will accelerate and perfect the development of the Nusantara National Science Institute. the more investors, the more money invested there. Automatically the construction will be according to schedule and IKN is beautifully and almost perfectly arranged.

When IKN is built, it requires enormous funds, for the core area alone it takes 43 trillion rupiah, not to mention other areas. The development of IKN requires a lot of APBN funds and only 20% of the budget is funded by the state. The rest uses capital from domestic and foreign investors.

The presence of investors is indeed allowed so that IKN can quickly stand up proudly and become a modern and beautiful capital city. With investors, APBN funds will be safe so they can be used for other posts. People don’t need to worry because the government is thinking of ways so that IKN can be built without disrupting state finances.

Investors interested in entering IKN are not only local but also foreign entrepreneurs. This indicates that Indonesia is trusted by many parties so that later the development of the Archipelago IKN will be very smooth.

Meanwhile, Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono stated that interest in investing in IKN Nusantara has increased 25 times the total land offered in 2022. The land will be used for education, health, housing and office facilities.

Minister Basuki added that investment in educational facilities is not only for tertiary institutions, but also international schools. Among them are Multimedia Nusantara University and Jakarta International School. Then, there are also private research institutes, housing, National Hospitals, etc. One of the hospitals interested in IKN is Hermina Hospital.

Investment in various sectors will be very good because it will make IKN a capital city with complete facilities. New residents of IKN (who are civil servants transferred from DKI Jakarta) can send their children to good quality schools. They also enjoy modern city amenities such as electric vehicles. Thanks to the help of investors, IKN has become a sophisticated place.

If the investment increases drastically, it will be very good because the construction of the National Archipelago National Park will be on target and make it a green and sophisticated city of the future. Investors are confident about IKN because they like the concept. Not only a modern city but also a green city and sponge city. No wonder there are 200 investors who are very interested in IKN.

IKN will encourage increased investment in Indonesia. The city isn’t finished yet but the investors are already lining up to take part in its construction. IKN is the future of Indonesia and a dream city, which is modern and all digital. It is very natural for investors to want to enter the IKN project because it is guaranteed to be profitable.

Investors are very interested in investing because Borneo has a lot of potential, from natural resources, minerals, to human resources. This potential will be processed and become superior. Born natives of Borneo also join in and are proud because the more investors, the more employees, and can reduce the unemployment rate there.

The public is asked not to misunderstand foreign investment in Nusantara National Institutes of Industry because this is not a new model of colonialism. The arrival of pure foreign investors to do business in Indonesia and the cooperation is definitely profitable.

As many as 200 investors are interested in investing in IKN Nusantara. IKN Nusantara will be more lively in its development thanks to domestic and foreign investors. They believe in the future of this city with the concepts of green city, smart city, and sponge city. IKN will be a modern and environmentally friendly capital city and this concept is highly favored by entrepreneurs investing in Indonesia.

)* The author is a contributor to Persada Institute

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