By: Sandy Arifin)*
Smoking always raises pros and cons. There are diverse interests regarding cigarettes, because in addition to industrial, economic, livelihood, smoking is also about health, welfare, and even further on human rights. Pros and cons of smoking spread in almost all countries. In some countries such as the USA, China, Australia and Russia have implemented a strict set of rules that the tobacco industry, in order to provide protection for its citizens from the threat of smoking. To reduce the number of smokers in Indonesia, the government plans to raise the cigarette tax to Rp 50,000. With the high price of cigarettes, it is expected the people of Indonesia will reduce or even stop the consumption of tobacco consumption.
However, if the policy of tobacco tax increases will automatically be able to reduce the numbers of smokers in Indonesia?
We need to learn from some of the countries that have issued a policy to suppress smokers. For example, Australia. Australia’s success in the anti-smoking campaign was exemplary. Based on data from the state of New South Wales associated with the number of smokers who just released, shows a decrease in the number of adult smokers to 70% within 20 years. Not just end there success, the numbers of young smokers also been reduced, which is only 6.7% in 2014 which is included in the category of heavy smokers, moderate and mild.
Twenty years ago the total number of smokers in the age range of 12-17 years to 23.5%, but the rate has declined very sharply, reaching only 6.7% in 2016. Meanwhile, the age of smoking initiation 20 years ago was 14 years, but now shifts to 16 years. There are three major factors that support Australia’s success in conducting anti-smoking campaigns, namely: an increase in cigarette prices is very significant, cigarette packaging manufacture plain and anti-smoking education campaign. While other factors that contribute greatly in decreasing the number of smokers is the expansion of non-smoking zone and also narrows the point of sale of cigarettes. Deterioration in smoking rates is of course encouraging the Australian government because it managed to save billions of dollars in tax money allocated for health care and treatment of diseases associated with these cigarettes.
In contrast the success of Australia lowered smoking rates was becoming a nightmare for the tobacco industry, it can be said the tobacco industry in Australia is now experiencing a long period of recession.
Then, what about the fate of the domestic cigarette industry?
If viewed simply, this policy may be true for potentially reduce the number of cigarette consumption and reduce the number of smoking-related mortality in Indonesia. However, when we turn the other side of the impact of this policy we will find a dark side. This policy is directed at tobacco companies that his employees are workers, and the raw material is the result of painstakingly farmers. If the tobacco excise tariff is raised, it automatically will slowly tobacco farmers afflicted.
Returning to the concept of the ideal policy, a policy deemed wrong when harming people. When the government has the right goals but have a negative impact on the people, the government should prepare an advanced solution that the policy is right on target and have the perfect effectiveness. Tobacco is a treasure of this country and farmers are the heroes who fight for the treasure. Therefore, these two elements should not be subjected to economic greed will state.
)* The author is CIDISS contributor