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KPAD Kotawaringin Barat Become the first Kampung Digital UKM in Kalteng

The Office of the Regional Library and Archives (KPAD) Kotawaringin Barat was elected the first library in Central Kalimantan which get the program Kampung small business medium (SME/UKM) Digital.
The Office of the Regional Library and Archives (KPAD) Kotawaringin Barat was elected the first library in Central Kalimantan which get the program Kampung small business medium (SME/UKM) Digital.

By: Choirul Fuadi)*

CIDISS – The Office of the Regional Library and Archives (KPAD) Kotawaringin Barat was elected the first library in Central Kalimantan which get the program Kampung small business medium (UKM) Digital.

Inauguration of Kampung UKM Digital Marunting Batu Aji held in Kobar KPAD Office on last wednesday 30/3/2016.

Kampung UKM Digital organized by PT Telkom and there are only four libraries selected to follow the programmed.

Head of KPAD Kotawaringin Barat, Safwan, said that library Kotawaringin Barat became one of the kampung digital (Digital Village).  “Actually there are dozens of kampung digital UKM spread all over Indonesia. but for library-based there are only four, i.e Lombok Timur Regency, Kebumen regency, Kotamadya Batam, and Kabupaten Kotawaringin barat regency, “he said.

According to him, KPAD Kobar was selected to be part of the Kampung digital UKM because during this KPAD Kobar renders SMALL MEDIUM ENTERPRISES in Kobar community as partners.

“Although with minimal funding, thank God for this turn, they can market their product range. Well, moreover assisted with Kampung Digital UKM program expected they could more broadly to market its flagship product range, “explained Safwan.

Because, he said, as long as this community of SMALL MEDIUM ENTERPRISES that take shelter in Kobar KPAD has managed to market products such as handicrafts, food and soft drinks in the Car Free Day activities.

In addition, Safwan said, with the building of kampung Digital UKM in KPAD, small entrepreneurs that still “stutter” or clueless about computers can add knowledge to use IT technology to increase the quantity of marketing its products.

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