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Indigenous Figures Support Firm Enforcement Against KST Papua


By : Charles Tabuni )* 

The traditional leaders continue to provide full support for the efforts made by the Government of Indonesia and the security forces to be able to take firm action and also all of them very strongly reject the existence or existence of KST Papua in the land where they live, namely on Cenderawasih Earth.

Rejection of a number of actions and also a series of atrocities to acts of terror which are indeed often carried out by groups of Papuan separatist and terrorist groups (KST) come from all people in Cenderawasih Earth itself.

One of the strong denials and also firm criticism was given by the Tribal Chief in Papua, who himself really does not want chaos in Cenderawasih Earth which has been carried out by KST Papua so far.

In fact, it can be said that acts of terror to atrocities that are completely inhumane continue to be carried out by groups of separatist and terrorist groups targeting many layers, starting from the joint personnel security apparatus consisting of the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI), the Indonesian National Police. (Polri) to the State Intelligence Agency (BIN).

It doesn’t just stop there, but KST Papua also continues to spread threats to sadistic violence and not infrequently even kills or massacres the indigenous Papuan people (OAP) themselves as well as migrants and also development project workers on Cenderawasih Earth. Even though with the acceleration of these development efforts, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) in the era of President RI, Joko Widodo (Jokowi) really wanted that development equality could occur in the country to all corners of the archipelago without exception.

Regarding voicing his strong rejection of a number of KST Papua terror acts, the Head of the Kamoro Tribe, Bernadus Yawa, admitted that he deeply regretted the series of atrocities and also attacks that often endangered lives carried out by groups of separatist and terrorist groups, the main thing being that their requests were not followed. such as when they want to confiscate a number of property belonging to residents.

Very firmly, the Head of the Kamoro Tribe in Mimika Regency absolutely does not want the crime and chaos that continues to be perpetrated by KST Papua, and he hopes that the people of Cenderawasih Earth can all live in full sense of security and comfort.

People in the easternmost province of the country continue to voice encouragement for the security forces from joint personnel consisting of the TNI, Polri and BIN because it is so that all acts of inhumane crimes that gangs of Papuan separatist and terrorist groups commit can be dealt with firmly immediately. in accordance with the law in force in Indonesia and also all layers of society voiced that they strongly reject the existence of KST Papua on their land.

Of course, all elements of the Cenderawasih Earth community have great hopes, the main thing is that the Land of Papua can always be in a safe, peaceful and conducive condition. In addition, many parties also admit that they do not want it at all and strongly criticize how the efforts of the separatist and terrorist groups have so far continued to use and use children and women as shields for their lives and continue to be involved in a series of actions capable of causing chaos. .

Full support for being able to act firmly on KST Papua does not only come from the people of Bumi Cenderawasih and traditional leaders in Indonesia’s easternmost province, but also comes from the Chairman of the People’s Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia (MPR RI), Bambang Soesatyo.

He supports all the steps taken by the government so far, especially from the joint personnel security apparatus consisting of the TNI, Polri and BIN to be able to add their troops so that they can take decisive but still measurable actions against the separatist and terrorist groups.

Then, the decision of the Government of Indonesia itself which has officially categorized KST Papua as a terrorist group and indeed must be punished very severely because they have committed acts of terrorism that threaten human rights (HAM) deserves to be given high appreciation and is fully supported. also.

The firm stance of the Government of Indonesia to categorize KST as a terrorist group is even in accordance with the provisions of Law (UU) Number 5 of 2018 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Terrorism.

With the existence of gangs of separatist and terrorist groups on Cenderawasih Earth, it continues to experience a lot of strong rejection by many groups, starting from the Papuan people themselves, then traditional leaders there to the Chairman of the Indonesian People’s Consultative Assembly who also fully supports all the government’s efforts and security forces to be able to act very firmly on KST Papua.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Yogyakarta 

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