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Load Distinctive Character of the Nation , MUI Values the National Criminal Code Far More Dignified


Criminal Code assessed load many character typical Indonesian people and necessary get support . In matter this , the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) considers that the new Criminal Code of course far more dignified .

Deputy Chairman of the Advisory Council Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), Prof. Dr. Hamdan Zoelva explain that there are several national Criminal Codes (KUHP ) . time then passed by the DPR RI indeed far more good from the legacy Criminal Code Dutch Colonial .

No without reason , article he thought in the latest Criminal Code it’s in it already many very in accordance with development new related punishment until give alternative criminal with a number of action .

Prof. Hamdan also admitted that the new Criminal Code far more honor dignity humanity .

More further , according to him , in the new Criminal Code has accommodate religious norms .

“The Criminal Code has accommodate some related religious provisions with adultery and life together outside of marriage,” he said.

There are also provisions that regulate exists attack to dignity personal The President , according to the Deputy Chairman of the MUI Advisory Council whole provision this far more good rather than the old Dutch heritage Criminal Code .

” Besides that , act criminal attack to dignity personal president as well as insult to ruler general , away more good than provision criminal in the previous Criminal Code ,” he said .

At least , there are a number of point difference important that exists between the national Criminal Code with the old Criminal Code.

Hamdan Zoelva express that matter first to be differentiator is about punishment , which is in the new Criminal Code have used a lot approach based Right Fundamental Human (human rights), culture until custom in Indonesia. Inside _ there are attempts for give protection to the victim.

Then difference second is in the new Criminal Code he thought have many follow criminal just loaded _ peculiarity values nation like rule adultery until religious norms .

Temporary that , Chairman of the MUI Field Da’wah and Ukhuwah , KH. M. Cholil Nafis disclose that in Meeting National Coordination ( Rakornas ) has there is attitude to the latest ratification of the Criminal Code .

The result is the MUI Ukhuwah Forum ratification of the new Criminal Code the .

“ Today whole Islamic organizations that are members of the MUI do National Coordination Meeting discuss coordination organization and program synergy . At a time addressing the existing Criminal Code approved ,” said Kyai Cholil .

In this MUI Fellowship Forum , indeed intended for able unify perception between scholars and people so achieve distant country more peace and prosperity suitable by Pancasila values .

“ That is one command in frame clergy and humanity in order to achieve a safe and prosperous country based on Pancasila,” he said .

Besides that , Kyai Cholil also emphasized to Islamic organizations in every province for keep going build unity and also continues contribute in well-being people as well as affirm Policy from RI government .

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