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PT GNI’s Situation Is Conducive, Beware of Negative Issues


By : Aditya prasatyo )*

The current situation at PT GNI Morowali Utara , Central Sulawesi, has now been resolved very conducive post clash consequence conflict worker . Therefore, the whole community should continue to increase self-awareness with the rise of negative issues circulating on social media so that this incident does not happen again.

on the day Last Saturday , January 14 2023, there was a clash at the PT Gunbuster Nickel Industry (GNI) nickel processing and refining facility (smelter) in North Morowali , Central Sulawesi. It is known that the clashes occurred between Foreign Workers (TKA) and Indonesian Workers (TKI), where it was reported that workers died as a result of the clashes that occurred.

Regarding the clashes that have occurred, the Head of the Indonesian National Police ( Kapolri ), Gen Listyo Sigit Prabowo explained the chronology and stated that the incident began with a strike by workers at PT GNI. After the strike action was carried out, then there were differences of opinion because there were several parties who agreed with the strike action, while there were other parties who rejected the strike action being carried out. When there is a difference of opinion, then there is coercion in the action taken.

In fact, not only was there coercion, but there were also a number of provocative actions that were carried out and had gone viral on social media, with the framing that it was as if the Foreign Workers (TKA) were beating Indonesian Workers (TKI).

More Go on , General Listyo Sigit Prabowo added that the provocation that occurred was when there were negotiations being held when discussing labor issues or industrial issues between the workers and the company. As a result of provocations and viral issues circulating on social media, it finally resulted in an attack and led to a clash.

Even though there was a clash, the security forces immediately acted swiftly. In this regard , Commander Kodim Morowali and North Morowali, Lt. Col Infantry Constantine Rusmanto ensure that at present, the security situation in the business area and around PT GNI’s nickel management industry is very conducive.

He also appealed to all parties to continue spreading the word to all communities so that no one is afraid anymore and even plans to leave their place of work so that PT GNI can resume operations as soon as possible. Then , the Dandim also dismissed there are news or issues circulating, which seem to indicate that the situation is still tense at PT GNI. Firmly he explained that the current situation was very conducive. Therefore, according to him, there is a great need for positive information to continue to be disseminated to the public at large because the aftermath of the clash was very influential on the investment climate in Morowali .

Dandim Constantine Rusmanto also explained that related effort election , according to him the most important thing is the existence of assistance from various parties in an integrative manner, starting from the sub-district head and village head to be able to appeal to their residents and also to community leaders who are there, even including appealing to newcomers in their respective areas to no easy hooked with exists negative issues that may still continue to circulate on social media.

Commander Kodim Morowali and North Morowali also explained that actually the incident and the strike action by the workers was a peaceful action, but there were several parties who deliberately undermined it . for interest other . In fact, according to him, there have been efforts to turn the conflict into an issue of SARA (ethnicity, religion, race and intergroup ), both in North Morowali and among foreign workers (TKA) and also Indonesian employees. For that , for him really urgent exists a cross collaboration _ sector to prevent the problem from reoccurring.

Lt Col Infantry Constantine Rusmanto also stated that as a result of the clashes, as many as eleven thousand employees at PT GNI as well as vendors with their three thousand employees had to stop their activities as a result of the incident. He then emphasized that his party was very ready to continue to support all steps taken by the National Police in guard situation security and order in society.

It is undeniable that it is indeed the whole society must Keep going be alert with rampant negative issues or even hoax news whose truth cannot be justified at all and widely circulated on social media to the point where they go viral. Because there were certain parties who deliberately took advantage of this incident, even though in fact all the conditions and situations at PT GNI Morowali Utara were this is already very conducive.

)* The author is a contributor to Persada Institute

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