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Negative effect of Palm Oil Factory: The Waste Smell

Illustration : Palm Oil Factory
Illustration : Palm Oil Factory

By: Choirul Fuadi)*

CIDISS – By the establishment of palm oil factory, it give both positive and negative impacts to the citizens. Positive impact is on the economic sector and labor for the local people. However, on the other hand, the existence of a palm oil mill has also a negative impact, such as on environmental issue and waste issues.

Lately, the river was reportedly contaminated with CPO waste and caused the fish to die in Sampit. In Lamandau, the negative impact of waste is also felt by the residents. Residents feel upset and restless with the smell of waste. The smell of waste is suspected come from the Palm Oil Factory (PKS) of PT Khatulistiwa Sinergi Omnidaya (KSO) and PT Sumber Adinusa Lestari (SAL).

Finally, around 300 people of Kujan and Nanga Bulik sub-district, Lamandau regency, held a demonstration by attending the Lamandau Parliament Building on Wednesday (19/7) to resolve the issue.

On that occasion, the Environmental Care Community Forum (FMPL) Kujan demanded six points. The main point is to ask for the smell of waste to be resolved within the next month. If the agreement is ignored, then the factory should be given a firm action, i.e. by closing/seal.

After oration, finally the people waited for Regent Lamandau, Marukan in order to hold a meeting. Community’s representative is invited for meetings with regent and factory’s representative in the Lamandau Parliament Building.

Regent Lamandau, Marukan admitted, there were two things in the company, the staple is not transported and the staple discharged into the pond during a visit to PT KSO. Seeing the waste pool is not strong and at times can be broken, and they are given a direction by regent.

Then PT SAL found the staple thrown into the pond and made the smell of waste. The pool is good and strong, and it is difficult to be broken or flooded by water.

“The directions around the pond are reinforced and planted with trees, capturing steam in ponds one and two with a chalk-lime strainer. And the company replied, need some time, the smell of waste will disappear,” he said.

After a three-hour meeting, it was finally agreed between the company (PT KSO and PT SAL) and the residents’ representatives to resolve the issue.

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