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Religion becomes the Moral Foundation in National and State Life


By: Ajeng Mufadillah)*

Chairman of the Central Executive (PP) Muhammadiyah, Haedar Nasir said, the life of nation and state in Indonesia cannot be separated from religion. He considered the basics of Indonesian state administration formed from religious values.

Haedar conveyed it when giving a national lecture at Prof Hamka University campus in Pasar Rebo, East Jakarta, Tuesday (11/4/2017).

On that occasion, Haedar said the founders of the nation put religious values ​​in the foundation of statehood because believing the independence obtained by the Indonesian people cannot be separated from the blessings of God Almighty. The beliefs of the founders of that nation called Haidar are formulated in the 1945 Constitution along with its opening, and the precepts of Pancasila.

Haedar said that when laying the foundations of his nationality and statehood strongly with fundamental values, which Sukarno called our philosophical foundation of the nation or also called our nation’s worldview.

According to Haedar, the existence and role of religion in the life of nation and state will not be separated. He even considered religion to be an integral part of the system of statehood.

Haedar states the first precepts that read “Belief in the One Supreme” is the result of the struggle and has passed the process of discussing by involving religious communities recognized in Indonesia. “It means what? Anyone in this republic, the people let alone state officials cannot give up the religious and divine values ​​of the Indonesian pulse.

Haedar said he disagreed with the parties who currently want the life of nation and state in Indonesia is separated from the values ​​of religion and divinity. He considered such thinking to be a secular thought that had never existed in the minds of leaders and founders of the nation. What if suppose people want to let go of religion and divinity, clearly there is no room in this republic. Especially if to harass religion.

We are not a secular state but also not a religious state. Yet religion remains a moral foundation in the life of nation and state. The message of religion even colored Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution which became the basis of the State. In secular countries such as the United States and Britain that separate churches, religion remains the values ​​of their lives in nation and state.

Let us as religious people to refrain from provocative and divisive action. All must synergize in a joint effort to build a nation. The potential impact of the people with the state elite should be avoided because it is not productive for the country’s travel.

Agama Menjadi Landasan Moral Dalam Kehidupan Berbangsa dan Bernegara

)* The author is CIDISS contributor

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