The half of Central Kalimantan is Darkness

Tower electric high-voltage mains network (sutet) PLN of South Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan which collapsed due to high winds and Palangka Raya is on darkness cause power supply is off.
Choirul Fuadi, central Kalimantan, CIDISS – The high wind strike occurred Saturday night (7/11/2015) in Palangkaraya, Central Kalimantan, and impact of transmission tower belonging to the fascist PLN uprooted.
The tower is transmission chain-owned PLN which conduct electricity Mains Substation of straits of Kuala kapuas capacity 150 KV.
As a result, the total power outages had occurred in the region of Pulang Pisau, Palangkaraya, Katingan, and Kotawaringin Timur.
Ironically, this condition is expected for several weeks.
“The supply of electric power from the system in Barito disconnected, and then the supply only comes from power in Palangka raya with a capacity only 22 MW,” said head of the Department of mines and energy Kalteng Syahril Tarigan, as quote in Tribun, Sunday (8/11/2015).