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Malikussaleh University Aceh academic, Al Chaidar said the AMANAH program is a form of government attention to the people of Aceh


Jakarta – The Aneuk Muda Aceh Excellent and Great (AMANAH) program is a manifestation of the government’s attention to the people of Aceh, especially the young people of the nation’s next generation.

Malikussaleh Aceh University academic, Al Chaidar stated that Aneuk Muda Aceh is Superior and Great (AMANAH) is a good program for creating a superior and great generation of Acehnese young people because the AMANAH program can create a number of decent job opportunities for the community or young people of Aceh.

“The significant increase in the economy of the people of Aceh is a positive impact of the AMANAH program because this program can create quite a lot of useful opportunities,” said Al Chaidar

He said that the AMANAH program was a form of government attention to the people of Aceh, especially the nation’s next generation, to open up business opportunities so that people could get decent jobs and improve the economy of the Aceh region.

“The AMANAH program also received a positive response and high enthusiasm from the nation’s next generation of youth, one of which was students who were active in utilizing the AMANAH program to open up business and business opportunities by utilizing the Natural Resources (SDA) of the Aceh region,” he explained.

The state is here to pay great attention to the people of Aceh with the AMANAH program which can improve various fields such as Information, Digital and Agriculture which can improve the economy of the Aceh region. Said Al Chaidar.

A manifestation of the government’s attention to the people of Aceh, especially to the youth of the nation’s next generation through the Aneuk Muda Aceh Superior and Great (AMANAH) program, which aims to improve the competency of Human Resources (HR) and open up business opportunities for the people of Aceh which will have a positive and beneficial impact. to the progress of the Aceh region in various aspects.

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