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Peaceful Christmas Thanks to Security Forces Dedication and Community Concern


By: David Kiva  Prambudi  )* 

The 2024 Christmas celebration took place in a peaceful and happy atmosphere in various parts of Indonesia. The harmony created was the result of the extraordinary dedication of the security forces who worked tirelessly, as well as the concern of the community who uphold the values ​​of tolerance and togetherness. This synergistic combination ensures optimal security for Christians to carry out their worship solemnly and calmly.

The Indonesian National Police (Polri) and the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) played a crucial role in ensuring the smooth running of Christmas Eve Masses in various churches in Indonesia, including Jakarta. The extraordinary efforts made by the security forces received widespread appreciation, especially from church leaders and congregations. 

They felt the direct impact of the security measures. Pastor Frida Situmorang from GKI Samanhudi expressed her gratitude for the attention given by the Chief of Police General Listyo Sigit Prabowo. 

He considered that the security from the Police provided a sense of peace and security for the people who were carrying out worship. He hopes that similar support can continue in the future, so that every religious celebration can be held with full peace.

The church congregation also expressed similar appreciation. One of the coordinators of the GKI Samanhudi church, Regi, emphasized that the security by the Police and TNI greatly helped maintain the security of the Christmas celebration. 

With the presence of security personnel from the preparation stage to the implementation, a peaceful atmosphere can be felt by the entire congregation. Regi also noted how the good coordination between the security forces and the church was able to create comfort for all parties involved in the implementation of Christmas.

Not only in GKI Samanhudi, Jakarta Cathedral Church also received tight security to ensure the celebration ran smoothly and safely. The congregation there expressed their deep gratitude to the security forces for their extraordinary dedication. 

The year 2024 is even considered one of the years with the best security, so that Christians can carry out worship without worry. The readiness and professionalism of the security forces are the keys to this success.

At the national level, Minister of Religious Affairs Nasaruddin Umar also expressed his appreciation for the peaceful atmosphere that enveloped this year’s Christmas celebration. According to him, the happiness that radiated from the faces of Christians reflected Indonesia’s success as a country that upholds harmony and brotherhood. 

He reminded that Bhinneka Tunggal Ika must continue to be a guideline in community life. He emphasized that the deep meaning of Christmas can provide positive energy for the sustainability of national and state life. In addition, he also highlighted the importance of maintaining this harmonious atmosphere in the future so that peace remains an inseparable part of social life in Indonesia.

The presence of a number of state officials, including the Chief of Police, the Commander of the TNI, and several ministers who reviewed the preparations for the Christmas mass, is a symbol of the government’s commitment to ensuring that the worship service runs safely and peacefully. 

Visits to churches such as the Cathedral Church, GKI Samanhudi, and Immanuel Church in Jakarta show strong synergy between the government, security forces, and the community in maintaining peace amidst diversity. This effort not only shows the government’s concern for security, but also strengthens the spirit of unity in facing differences.

This year’s Christmas carries the theme “Let Us Now Go to Bethlehem,” an invitation to reflect on the meaning of the Savior’s birth. The theme formulated by the Indonesian Bishops’ Conference together with the communion of churches throughout Indonesia is a reminder of the importance of togetherness and compassion amidst diversity. 

The message contained in the theme is relevant not only for Christians, but also for all Indonesian people who live side by side in harmony and mutual respect.

The success of the peaceful implementation of Christmas in 2024 further emphasizes the importance of the role of all elements of society in creating a conducive atmosphere. The security forces have shown unwavering dedication, while people from various backgrounds continue to strengthen the values ​​of tolerance and unity. This harmonious collaboration is a real example for the nation, that differences should not be a barrier, but rather a foundation for building strong unity.

With the loving spirit of Christmas, this momentum is a reminder of the shared responsibility to maintain harmony in society. Security forces have made a real contribution in ensuring the smooth running of the celebration, but the role of the community in creating a peaceful atmosphere is no less important. Through respect for differences and genuine concern, Indonesia can continue to be a peaceful country, where every citizen feels safe and appreciated.

The peaceful Christmas celebration not only reflects the success of security, but also shows the strength of the nation’s noble values. By continuing to foster tolerance, cooperation, and maintaining harmony, the hope for a more harmonious future can become a reality. 

Christmas 2024 is proof that Indonesia is able to be a comfortable home for all, regardless of background or belief. May this peaceful atmosphere continue, bringing blessings and happiness to all Indonesian people in the future.

)* The author is a contributor to Yudistira Institute

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