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Social Media and Selebgram


ig-slebBy: Widya Caterine)*

Jakarta – CIDISS.  Instagram , social media one of which is growing rapidly in Indonesia today. The young generation which incidentally is now commonly referred to as Generation Z is very permissive generation once on the development of social media as well as the level of self-actualization via the Internet and social networks showed significant growth is very high.

The presence of social media has greatly contributed to the emergence of celebrities or often referred to as selebgram. Various products can be easily advertised or “endorsed” by the service user or Selebgram artist endorsements.

Does the presence of selebrgram has positive effect? This could be a positive influence selebgram if the product and the packaging of the artist himself were brought towards the positive. But today many selebgram only utilize social media as a venue for thrill-seeking and money alone. Surely it is bad for the young people who in fact are the future generation.

They become viral selebgram “Awkarin” that carries the product endorsement but to wear sexy clothes and leads to pornography. This has been addressed KPAI. It is necessary to filter the  young generation towards the development of social media and the presence of the icon and model for their referral to the castle itself for the future generation can always be maintained and taken in a positive direction.

In the condition in the era of the generation Z, the filter internet media is required because it is the presence of institutions and supervisory sensor must be kept consistent in fortifying the nation’s youth. But indeed, increased human resources in the dent institutions should continue considering the development of information and new problems continue to grow rapidly. Moreover, the younger generation should also be fortified with character education and media literacy skills to filter information that negatively impacted, for themselves personally and the nation.

*) The author is CIDISS Jakarta Contributor

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