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Supporting Indonesia’s Good Imagery Progress

Picture by dwikidharmawan.net for wonderful Indonesia: Indonesia is beautiful
Picture by dwikidharmawan.net for wonderful Indonesia: Indonesia is beautiful

By: Wiki Saputra )*

Now Indonesia’s imagery is a chore for us as citizens of Indonesia. Why not, many countries in the world who admired Indonesia as a candidate for a big country, advanced and cultured, but the people themselves are not aware of that, then starting from whom for making the good image of Indonesia if not from ourselves?

Accordingly, the Association of Public Relations (Perhumas) held a National Convention of Public Relations (KNH) in 2016 in Bandung, 27 to 28 October 2016 entitled “The Power of PR: Build Reputation Indonesia 2030”, the Convention is the largest convention stakeholders as Public Relations Indonesia. The event was attended by West Java Governor Ahmad Heryawan (Aher), Director General (DG) Information and Public Communication, Ministry of Communication and Information Rosarita Niken Widyastuti, and Chairman of the Central Executive Board (BPP) Perhumas Agung Laksmana.

West Java Governor, Ahmad Heryawan (Aher) said that in 2030, Indonesia has been projected to be the seven major economies of the world and become one of the influential countries in the world. To support this, it needs the involvement of all parties. PR is one of them. Due to the realm of public relations is to build a positive image of a country that support.

As the face of an organization or institution, PR must build a positive contribution by presenting the true face of a product or program. From the look that will be used to assess the community. Therefore, it becomes a challenge to show the best possible public relations for what is produced by an institution or the institution.

According to Aher, a positive image comes from the positive substance, if the source of the image that was presented by PR comes from the substance negative, the result is going to be a hoax. In front of the practitioners of PR, the actors not only build a positive image to the public, but the public relations should also be able to participate in building a positive substance to be imaged to the public.

In the context of a country, the PR provides role in establishing and promoting the image of Indonesia as a whole. This can be done through the promotion and good dissemination about what possessed this land, which in turn could have an impact on the welfare and reputation of Indonesia.

So, the challenge of Indonesia citizen now is to improve Indonesia’s image which is not good as a result of the many less news, although a lot of good things came from Indonesia. Therefore, let us as a nation to present the news and promotions is balanced. Indonesia is a great country and we as citizens of Indonesia should promote to the world that Indonesia is a beautiful, peaceful, and awesome country.

)* The writer of Amazing Indonesia

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