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AMN Development Encourages Improving the Quality of Education for the Young Generation



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Friday, August 16, 2024

AMN Development Encourages Improving the Quality of Education for the Young Generation


Head of Sub Directorate III of the Strategic Infrastructure Directorate of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing, Endra Bekti, emphasized that the construction of the Nusantara Student Dormitory (AMN) in Manado, North Sulawesi continues.

“The construction of AMN Manado continues to be in progress,” he said.

This was conveyed by Endra, when responding to questions regarding the progress of AMN development.

Not only does it continue to experience positive developments, but the construction of the Nusantara Student Dormitory (AMN) will also continue to be accelerated, especially in Block A, which is the Men’s Dormitory Building, which is being carried out together with the contractor.

“PUPR together with the Contractor are trying to accelerate”

In a separate place, Deputy Chancellor I for Academic Affairs at Sam Ratulangi University (Unsrat) Manado, Prof. Dr. Ir. Grevo Soleman Gerung emphasized his support for the development of AMN Manado. 

“Under the direction and instructions of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Unsrat Manado provides full support and support for the development of AMN Manado,” he explained. 

AMN itself is a form of President Jokowi’s concrete commitment to the aspirations of 50 Papuan figures on September 10 2019 at the State Palace. At that time, Papuan leaders wanted the construction of a student dormitory that could become a candradimuka crater for the young generation across cultures. 

Not only that, the Deputy Chancellor I for Academic Affairs at Unsrat assessed that the construction of AMN was not only able to improve the quality of education, but also optimize student skills in various fields.

He also hopes that the existence of AMN can provide many benefits to the younger generation, especially in competing at the global level. 

“With AMN, we hope that students can hone their skills to the maximum and be ready to compete on the national and international stage,” he added.

Previously, Deputy Chief of Staff for AMN Manado BIN Idham Malik emphasized that the AMN development in Manado was the most extensive compared to AMN in other cities. 

“In Jakarta the area is only 5,000 meters, in Surabaya the area is 5,000 meters, while in Yogyakarta it is only 4,000 meters. “But AMN Manado is 5 hectares or the largest and largest area for AMN development land,” said Idham.

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