Appreciating the Quick Action of Security Forces to Pursue KST Papua Shooter at Maybrat Post

Security forces immediately moved quickly to chase down the Papuan Separatist and Terrorist Group (KST) who shot the Indonesian National Army (TNI) Post in Maybrat Regency . The quick action carried out by the security forces certainly deserves to be highly appreciated, because it is very optimal for creating a conducive situation and creating security and order in society (kamtibmas).
The TNI and Indonesian National Police (Polri) continue to pursue the perpetrators of the shooting of two TNI soldiers in Boshua, South Aifat District, Maybrat Regency, Southwest Papua Province. Some of the methods used to carry out this pursuit are by combing the escape routes of the separatist gangs.
Regarding this firm action effort, the West Papua Joint Task Command (Kogasgab) continues to carry out pursuits and also searches on a number of escape routes usually used by KST around the North Aifat and South Aifat District areas which are the movements of the terrorist gangs in Bumi Cenderawasih.
Head of the TNI Information Center (Kapuspen), Brigadier General (Brigjen) TNI Nugraha Gumilar admitted that the incident that occurred recently was something that was very unfortunate, especially since it coincided with the Christian Christmas celebration so it clearly hurt how solemn the implementation of worship was. Christmas.
It is known that the two victims came from Infantry Battalion 133 / Yudha Sakti when they carried out border security duties in Boshua, South Aifat District, Maybrat Regency on Monday 25 December 2023. It is strongly suspected that the shooting was carried out by the KST of the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPN PB) in the Sorong Raya area, which has often continued to spread terror among the people of that area.
One of the victims who died from the shooting incident carried out by the separatist gang, namely Corporal Dua (Kopda) Hendrianto, was flown by Lion Air plane from Sorong to Padang, then delivered to the funeral home in Koto Dian Village, Hamparan Rawang District, Regency Kerinci, Jambi.
Meanwhile, another victim, Franky Gulo, is currently being treated at Scholoo Keyen Teminanuan Hospital, South Sorong Regency. Then the current condition of the Chief Soldier (Praka) continues to improve after he underwent surgery to remove the projectile in his stomach.
The TNI is also continuing to investigate the incident of the attack by the West Papua National Liberation Army – Free Papua Organization (TPNPB-OPM) or the Separatist and Terrorist Group (KST) on soldiers from Infantry Battalion (Yonif) 133 / Yudha Sakti from the Border Security Task Force (Satgas Pamtas ) Post Bousha.
Brigadier General Nugraha Gumilar explained that the estimated attack was carried out by KST Papua suddenly towards the Bousha Post from a height of about 100 meters at 14:00 Eastern Indonesian Time (WIT).
Previously, it was known that the Head of Information for the Regional Military Command (Kapen Kodam) XVII / Kasuari Colonel (Inf) Syawaluddin Abuhasan said that the shooting occurred on Monday at 14:00 WIT. A total of ten shots were fired from the front of the Pamtas Task Force Post.
On the other hand, the Commander of Kodam
Thanks to the quick steps and movements taken by the joint forces security forces, now conditions in Maybrat Regency itself after the shooting incident have returned to a conducive condition.
According to the Military Commander himself, there are a number of security posts that are considered less effective. To overcome this, his party has also carried out relocations so as to further minimize the possibility of potential or threats to soldiers on duty.
For him, this method is considered to be more relevant compared to increasing the number of TNI personnel to be stationed at security posts spread across several Maybrat villages. With the relocation of the post, it is hoped that security will become much stronger.
On different occasions, the Indonesian Millennial Student Alliance (AMMI) fully supports the efforts of the security forces to crack down very firmly on Separatist and Terrorist Groups (KST) in Papua.
The General Chairperson (Ketum) of AMMI, Nurkhasanah, revealed that the firm action taken by the security forces was very important and was even awaited by the entire indigenous Papuan community (OAP). The reason is that terrorist gangs often launch various attacks on innocent civilians.
Very high appreciation should be given to the efforts of firm and measured action from the joint security forces, with their quick actions to pursue KST Papua who were the perpetrators of the shooting at the TNI post in Maybrat Regency.