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Collaboration between Bawaslu and National Commission on Violence Against Women to Create a Safe Election Space for All Parties


Bawaslu (Election Supervisory Body) and Komnas (National Commission) for Women create a safe space for all parties during elections. Women as Indonesian citizens are obliged to take part in elections and they are guaranteed to always be safe, both during the campaign period and on election day. There must be justice that benefits women because they also have the right to be elected (to become candidates) or vote.

General elections (Pemilu) are an event where the people elect their own president, as well as members of the legislature. The election took place with great fanfare. Especially when people can vote for the image of the presidential candidate (capres) themselves. Therefore, they are enthusiastic about welcoming the 2024 elections and want to cast their votes, including female voters.

Female Indonesian citizens (WNI) aged 17 years and over regularly participate in the elections and vote on election day. Apart from that, it is certain that women can run as legislative candidates. To further protect them from all negative possibilities, Bawaslu is collaborating with the National Commission on Violence Against Women so that the elections run smoothly.

Bawaslu member Lolly Suhenty welcomed the suggestions and collaboration from Komnas Perempuan. Bawaslu is open to various collaborations in realizing elections that are friendly to women and people with disabilities.

Lolly Suhenty continued, Bawaslu will cooperate and follow up on Komnas Perempuan’s input regarding the synergy of increasing women’s leadership in Bawaslu and preventing and eliminating acts of violence against women during the election and election process.

In other words, women as Indonesian citizens must receive protection and rights during elections. There should be no discrimination, for example only men receive invitation letters to vote. However, women are not given it on the grounds that they are only women.

Then, women must also get protection both during the campaign period and when the election takes place. Don’t let the campaign become an arena for harassment of women. For example, when there are supporters who are women, they are even ridiculed because the campaign is considered only for men. Precisely women should be given the same rights during the campaign.

Bawaslu also supports the JITU (observant, initiative, tolerant, measuring) campaign program as a public campaign initiated by the National Commission on Violence Against Women in the 2009 Election to mobilize an intelligent and clean voter campaign as a form that needs to be supported.

JITU is an indicator of a people’s representative’s track record. When there are legislative candidates campaigning, women are expected to be more careful. Choose someone who supports women’s rights, takes initiative and is tolerant of others. Don’t make the mistake of choosing a legislative candidate who is clearly intolerant.

Meanwhile, Komnas Perempuan Commissioner Siti Aminah Tardi said that during the election stages there were several things that were still vulnerable to women’s rights. Such as the connection between holding elections and women’s representation, recruitment of Bawaslu throughout Indonesia, then the Supreme Court’s decision to respond to PKPU 10 of 2023 Violence experienced by women during elections.

Siti Aminah continued, Komnas Perempuan supports Bawaslu in carrying out its duties to hold elections in accordance with the mandate of the law. Because elections are in fact still gender sensitive and vulnerable to women.

Regarding the recruitment of Bawaslu throughout Indonesia, there is cooperation between Bawaslu and the National Commission on Violence Against Women. Where prospective members and Bawaslu administrators must see their track records (either directly or via social media). Nowadays, it is increasingly easy to see the track partners of a prospective Bawaslu member via the internet and it can be concluded whether he is a competent person or not.

Don’t let Bawaslu members turn out to be racist and don’t support the women’s movement in Indonesia. Therefore, Bawaslu welcomes the collaboration with Komnas Perempuan so that all Bawaslu members support the advancement of women in Indonesia.

Meanwhile, according to Article 53 of Election Law Number 10 of 2008, at least 30% of legislative candidates during the elections are women. This rule has a strong legal umbrella and should not be underestimated.

Women candidates must also get support from their environment and party. Their presence in the DPR and DPRD is not seen as a complement or to fulfill the candidate’s quota. However, female candidates were chosen because they have a good vision and mission for the progress of this nation.

Female candidates must be supported during elections because women also have political rights. Don’t say politics is a man’s world. Women and men have the same rights during elections. The world of politics can also be entered by women. The proof is that Indonesia once had a female president, namely Ms. Megawati Sukarnoputri.

Bawaslu works closely with Komnas Perempuan to protect women during elections. They are given the same rights during the campaign and are obliged to vote on election day. There should be no discrimination against women because they are not second-class citizens. Women must have their rights protected and be able to run for legislative candidates, to advance Indonesia.

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