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Establish Integration and Togetherness to Avoid Clashes in Society Facing the 2024 Regional Elections


By: Arsenio Bagas Pamungkas

The regional level democratic party, the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections, will soon be held. This momentum is one of the crucial moments for people throughout Indonesia to elect regional leaders who will bring change for the next few years.

However, behind this democratic spirit, the threat of social division always lurks if the political process is not managed properly. Differences in political support often trigger clashes between community groups that can disrupt peace and social harmony.

It is important to ensure that integration and togetherness are maintained throughout the Regional Head Election process. Member of the General Election Commission (KPU) Yulianto Sudrajat emphasized that the Regional Elections are not only an event to elect leaders, but also an important moment to strengthen togetherness among citizens.

The community is expected to make regional level political contests a healthy discussion arena, not an arena for conflict. Support for prospective leaders should not sacrifice harmonious relations among citizens.

In the political process, differences of opinion have become commonplace, even an essential part of democracy. However, what needs to be avoided is allowing these differences to develop into clashes that lead to social conflict.

When society is divided due to differences in political choices, the impact will be much wider and has the potential to hinder the regional development process. Therefore, social integration must be a top priority during the Pilkada period.

Communities throughout Indonesia are faced with the big task of maintaining social cohesion. According to KPU RI Member, August Mellaz, active community participation in the Pilkada must be accompanied by a mature attitude in dealing with various differences.

Mellaz emphasized that smart voters are those who are able to separate political aspirations from social life. The community must be able to avoid all forms of provocation, both from black campaigns and information that has not been proven to be true, especially in the digital era like today.

Information technology does provide convenience in the dissemination of political information, but at the same time presents a big challenge in the form of disinformation that has the potential to trigger conflict in society.

Black campaigns and fake news often appear ahead of the Pilkada and target groups of people who are easily influenced. To avoid clashes, the community needs to be wiser and smarter in filtering the information circulating. Smart voters will be able to assess prospective leaders based on facts and work programs, not just negative narratives thrown out by interested parties.

KPU Chairman, Mochammad Afifuddin, also highlighted the importance of holding honest and fair regional elections as one of the key factors in maintaining social stability. Clean and transparent regional elections will increase public trust in the democratic process, thereby preventing the emergence of potential conflicts.

Afifuddin stated that the KPU will work hard to ensure that every stage of the regional elections runs smoothly, but the success of this democratic party still requires active participation from the public in overseeing the election process.

Facing the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections, the public must be increasingly vigilant against all forms of political provocation that can be divisive. It is the duty of all parties to avoid narratives that cloud the atmosphere, whether from prospective leaders, supporters, or campaign teams. This political process must be used as a momentum to build togetherness and strengthen social relations amidst the various differences that exist.

It is important to remember that regional political contestation is only part of the democratic process, not the final goal. The elected leader will ultimately hold the mandate to lead and advance the region, but social stability must still be maintained so that development can proceed smoothly. If society is divided due to differences in political choices, this will make it difficult for the local government to implement planned programs.

Therefore, in addition to focusing on electing leaders, society must also continue to pay attention to the importance of maintaining good relations with others. Social clashes that arise due to political differences will have a negative impact on daily life, especially at the community level.

Often, conflicts that start from differences in political views develop into more complex and difficult to resolve problems. Therefore, togetherness and social integration must always be the main priority in every stage of the Pilkada.

In addition, the role of community leaders, religious leaders, and parties who have influence in local communities is also very important in maintaining social stability. They can act as mediators when political tensions start to rise, and provide understanding to the community so that they are not easily provoked by emotions. With guidance from these figures, the community is expected to be wiser in dealing with the various differences that arise during the political process.

On the other hand, the media also has a strategic role in maintaining a conducive political atmosphere. Accurate and balanced information will help the community understand the political situation better, so that they are not easily influenced by misleading issues. Responsible media will be able to be a balance in the midst of the onslaught of information that is often not verified as true.

As part of a democratic society, every individual has a role to play in maintaining social harmony during the Pilkada process. Support for different candidate leaders is not a reason to create distance or clash with neighbors, relatives, or friends. Instead, these differences must be seen as the richness of democracy that will strengthen the nation. Ultimately, a successful Pilkada is a Pilkada that not only produces quality leaders, but is also able to strengthen unity and togetherness in society.

By establishing social integration and maintaining togetherness, the 2024 Simultaneous Pilkada can be an important milestone in strengthening democracy while avoiding clashes in society.

The real victory in this political process lies not only in who is elected, but in the ability of society to remain united and together build a better future.

*) Persada Institute

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