IKN Nusantara Potential Opportunities for Tourism Development in East Kalimantan
The National Capital City (IKN) of the Archipelago has interesting potential to be discussed, one of which is the tourism potential which is believed to be able to increase the number of tourist arrivals, especially in East Kalimantan.
Chairman of the Regional Tourism Promotion Board of East Kalimantan, Syafruddin Tangalindo, ST said, the Regional Tourism Promotion Board was formed with the aim that this agency is able to effectively promote tourism potentials in East Kalimantan.
The hope is that with massive promotions it will be able to increase the positive image of tourism in East Kalimantan, so that it will increase national and international tourist visits to East Kalimantan.
Hopefully the presence of IKN Nusantara in East Kalimantan can be a catalyst for the development of tourism in East Kalimantan. In the IKN area itself there is potential for tourism development, including the zero point of the IKN which is the place where the first stone was laid for the construction of the IKN by President Joko Widodo, which can become a historical tourist destination.
This zero point Of course, it is hoped that this historical place will not lose its historical value because after all, the historical value that exists at the zero point has the opportunity to be developed.
The hope is that the position of IKN which is Indonesia-centric can make economic equality occur in all regions of Indonesia. Moreover, the existence of IKN is a preparation in order to welcome Indonesia’s demographic bonus ahead of the 2045 Golden Generation.
In addition, several districts and cities in East Kalimantan have also established the tourism sector as a prime economic plan in increasing their PAD potential . They have also been preparing to welcome the transfer of IKN to East Kalimantan.
Meanwhile , the Chairman of Bapemperda DPRD Rusman Yaqub assesses that IKN is not only part of East Kalimantan residents. IKN becomes its own autonomous region and belongs to all citizens in Indonesia.
The perspective of the people of East Kalimantan in interpreting IKN must also be directed as a blessing in life, so that it should be a reflection for the local people of East Kalimantan. Residents must also be
Rusman also believes that accessibility is still the main point for tourism development. The obstacle is that there is still a segmentation of road construction authority in improving accessibility.
In East Kalimantan itself, there are several roads that are under the authority of the Central Government and Regional Governments. For this reason , it is necessary to strengthen the quality of human resources so that later tourism development can be accelerated with the creativity of local communities around tourist objects.
Rusman also asked that the communication infrastructure sector must be repaired immediately so that communication between the public and the government can be effective and efficient. Regarding the synergy between the provincial government and the district and city governments, it must be improved.
On a different occasion, the Head of the East Kalimantan Tourism Office admitted that he had held a meeting with the East Kalimantan DPRD to discuss local regulations related to eco-tourism and the position of East Kalimantan tourism in welcoming IKN.
With tourism competitiveness in IKN, of course all elements of society must prepare themselves, especially the capacity of human resources to strengthen tourism organizations. His party also admitted that they had held training for baristas, and in the future other trainings would be held.
Herwansyah explained that according to Regional Regulation No. 5 of 2022 there are 3 sections, namely Provincial Tourism Destinations (DPP), Provincial Tourism Development Areas (DPP), Provincial Tourism Development Areas (KPPP), and Provincial Tourism Strategic Areas (KSPP). IKN itself is in the KPPP section.
He admitted, the buffer zone must strengthen its tourist attraction so that IKN visitors can see it, so that they make visits to provincial tourism destinations. However, his party admits that they still have problems in developing human resources in the tourism sector.
For this reason, in the future it is hoped that students through real work lectures can help develop tourism in destinations that are in hard-to-reach areas.
Currently , East Kalimantan has Labuan Cermin which is in the Berau Regency area as a leading destination. It’s just that, road access is one of the obstacles in connectivity between one destination to another.
Meanwhile , Dian Rosita from DPD Putri Kaltim reminded that the quality of tourist destinations is largely determined by government policy. Tourism itself requires a figure in determining the progress of tourism by providing a good image from the government side.
Dian agrees with the concept of tourism in the IKN buffer zone. Because with so many visits to IKN, his party will still have to direct visitors to tour the buffer zones. Even so , the government also needs to strive for good access from the National Public Hospital to buffer points, so that visitors are not constrained by connectivity problems .
IKN Nusantara is not only a program to move the capital city from Jakarta to East Kalimantan, more than that, IKN also opens opportunities to continue developing tourism where this can increase PAD coffers.
)* The author is a contributor to the Main Sadawira Institute