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Inauguration of the Papua Youth Creative Hub to Support the Creativity of Papuan Youth


Papua – Great appreciation has colored the inauguration of the Papua Youth Creative Hub (PYCH), which is considered capable of continuing to support all kinds of creativity for the young people of Cendrawasih Earth so that they develop according to the fields they are in.

President Joko Widodo continues to strive to fully support all forms of creativity possessed by young Papuans. One of the concrete steps taken was the inauguration of the PYCH building.

One of the highest appreciations came directly from a Papuan youth leader, Geroge Saa, who appreciated the role of the government, in this case President Jokowi’s sincerity when he really accommodated and fully supported the creativity that the younger generation could continue to develop and have.

“Deep appreciation should be given for all forms of concern that has been given by President Jokowi for facilitating the development of the Papua Youth Creative Hub as a forum for young people,” said the physicist from Papua.

Furthermore, according to him, the Inspiring Young Papua (PMI) is a form of trust for young Papuans to be able to continue to provide encouragement through many programs and coaching to providing facilities to realize development in the field of technology and create innovations for local products.

“Several developments in the field of technology have resulted in innovations for these products being added by this Papuan Youth Leader, including MSME products, superior agricultural products to the development of digital applications which are jointly carried out by native youths and young women from Cendrawasih Earth,” said George. .

For information, the facilities and infrastructure building from PYCH has an area of ​​up to 1.5 hectares with the main facilities in the form of the main building, dormitory, sports venue, hall that can be used as exhibitions or to make presentations so that the co-working space can all be managed and utilized and accessible to all young generations of Papua.

George also emphasized that all the facilities provided by the Government can be freely accessed by everyone, especially for Papuan youths who really have big dreams of becoming reliable businessmen in their respective fields.

“It is undeniable that the development of the Papua Youth Creative Hub is very effective in being able to continue to support all the creativity of young people, especially the youth of Cendrawasih Earth. So it is not surprising that the inauguration carried out by the Government of Indonesia should be greatly appreciated,” he said.

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