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KNPI North Sulawesi: AMN Manado Solution for Improving the Quality of Education for the Young Generation


Manado – The construction of the Archipelago Student Dormitory (AMN) in Manado is believed to be one solution to improving the quality of education for the younger generation in North Sulawesi (Sulut).Deputy Chair of the North Sulawesi National Youth Committee (KNPI) for Education, Research and Technology, Doni B. Utina, said young human resources (HR) have an important role in social and state life. Where they can function as a moral force, social supervisor, and agent of change in various aspects of national development.”Therefore, improving the quality of education for youth is very important because this is one way to produce future leaders who are strong and able to contribute to advancing the country,” said Doni.However, according to Doni, to achieve this goal, the right platform is needed for young human resources so that they can better optimize their potential. “This was realized through the construction of AMN Manado. “The government initiated the construction of AMN Manado as a form of response to a concrete solution to the problem of affordability of higher education for all students, even from various corners of this country,” he said.Furthermore, the Deputy Chair of the North Sulawesi KNPI explained that the construction of AMN Manado was not just physical development, but a symbol of commitment to human resource development. “Through this dormitory, the government is creating a conducive environment for students from various regions in Indonesia to study, be creative and collaborate, especially those in North Sulawesi,” said Doni.Likewise, previously the Head of the North Sulawesi Regional Settlement Infrastructure Center (BPPW), Nurdiana Habibie, also said that AMN Manado would not only be a place to live for students, but also a center for activities that support self-development.”AMN Manado will be equipped with dormitories for men and women, meeting halls, multi-purpose rooms, sports fields, gardens, road access and parking areas,” explained Nurdiana.Nurdiana also emphasized the importance of support from all parties so that the development of AMN Manado runs smoothly and successfully. “We really hope for support from all parties involved, so that the construction of AMN Manado can run well,” he concluded.

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