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Not Just a Dormitory: AMN Manado as a Center for National Character Development


Manado – The Manado Nusantara Student Dormitory (AMN) which was initiated by the State Intelligence Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (BIN RI) is believed to be more than just a place to live for students. AMN also functions as a milestone for uniting the nation’s children from various different backgrounds.Dwi Purnama, a student activist from Manado, stated that AMN has great power in encouraging the unity and unity of Indonesian society through the movement of the younger generation. “The AMN building has enormous power to continue to encourage unity and unity among the people of the country, by mobilizing the younger generation,” he said.Meanwhile Ir. Essy Asiah, Director of Strategic Infrastructure at the Directorate General of Human Settlements, Ministry of PUPR, emphasized that the aim of developing AMN Manado is as a forum to unite students from various ethnicities, languages, cultures and religions in Indonesia.For your information, AMN Manado plays an important role in encouraging youth awareness about social and political issues that are relevant to Indonesia’s development. Through various activities, AMN Manado can become a space for young people to share ideas and learn together.Ir. Essy Asiah also revealed that the construction of AMN Manado upholds the concept of environmental sustainability, because all buildings refer to green buildings. “In the future, with green buildings, it is hoped that operations and maintenance will be better,” said Essy. []

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