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Papua is an inseparable part of the framework of the Republic of Indonesia


By: Loa Murib

Papua, a land rich in natural beauty, cultural diversity and deep history, is an inseparable part of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). In the context of history, culture and politics, Papua has a very important position within the framework of unity and diversity within the framework of the Republic of Indonesia. An inclusive attitude towards Papua can help overcome differences and increase the spirit of national unity.

Papua has been an inseparable part of Indonesia for a long time, not only politically but also culturally. Papua’s ethnic and cultural diversity is a national wealth that should be protected and celebrated. Papua remains an integral part of Indonesia’s vision as a country based on justice, unity and shared prosperity.

Not only is the culture and nature beautiful, the long history of Papua joining Indonesia is certainly worth knowing. Papua has been part of Indonesia since before Indonesian independence.

When the Netherlands handed over sovereignty to Indonesia at the Round Table Conference in 1949, the issue of Papua or West Irian was not resolved at that time because the Netherlands was adamant about making the region under its control. Until finally, in 1969, Papua became part of the Republic of Indonesia again.

According to member of Commission I DPR, Jazuli Juwaini, Papua is a showcase for Indonesia as the easternmost province and directly borders neighboring countries. Apart from that, it is a concrete face of Indonesia’s diversity or diversity.

Meanwhile, the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, Mahfud MD, said that the Republic of Indonesia is based on the constitution, based on international law and based on factual reality. (Papua) Is a legal part of the Republic of Indonesia. Therefore, there are no negotiations regarding Papuan independence and the government will defend and eradicate anyone who wants to take even a small part of the Republic of Indonesia.

Commander of Kodam XVII / Cenderawasih Major General TNI Izak Pangemanan emphasized that the Land of Papua is an inseparable part of the Republic of Indonesia. According to him, the Land of Papua, which contains six provinces, is an inseparable part of the Republic of Indonesia so that what has been expressed by certain groups cannot be accounted for. He said that the UN had closed the decolonization of Papua on May 1 1963, so that this region was an inseparable part of the Republic of Indonesia.

Papua, as an integral part of Indonesia, has become the center of attention at both the national and international levels due to several separatist groups attempting to secede. Despite this, the Indonesian government has continued to make maximum efforts to keep Papua as an inseparable part of Indonesia.

So far, the Indonesian government has also paid special attention to the problems occurring in Papua. Various policies have also been formulated specifically for Papua, as an effort to accelerate development and improve the welfare of the Papuan people.

As a province in Indonesia, Papua has experienced significant development in various sectors. Infrastructure development, health services, education and the economy have become the focus of the Indonesian government in Papua. This step not only aims to improve the welfare of the Papuan population but also strengthens the integration of this region into the unity of the state.

The Indonesian government has attempted to strengthen the involvement and welfare of the Papuan people through various development policies and social programs. Infrastructure, education, health and economic development programs have been launched with the aim of improving the quality of life and expanding accessibility for the Papuan people. These steps show the government’s commitment to bringing progress to all regions of Indonesia, including Papua.

Apart from that, the active role of the Papuan people in the development process is also very important. Their participation in the planning and implementation of development programs can increase the effectiveness and relevance of such efforts. Papuan people have valuable local knowledge about conditions and needs in their region, which can be a valuable asset in sustainable development efforts.

In line with the spirit of regional autonomy, Papua has also been granted special autonomy through the Papua Special Autonomy Law. This special autonomy provides additional authority to the Papua regional government to manage natural and other resources in accordance with the needs and aspirations of the local community. This provides an opportunity for Papua to develop their own potential independently, while remaining within the framework of the Republic of Indonesia.

It is important to remember that Papua also has extraordinary cultural riches. Papua’s variety of languages, customs, arts and traditions are a heritage of high value for the Indonesian nation as a whole. Efforts to preserve and develop Papuan culture must be encouraged as an integral part of efforts to strengthen a diverse and rich national identity.

While challenges remain, including in terms of upholding human rights and resolving conflict, we must see Papua as an opportunity to embrace diversity and strengthen unity. Peace and progress in Papua are not only important for the Papuan people themselves, but also for the stability and progress of Indonesia as a whole.

So, the Indonesian people need to support the government to keep Papua intact. This is important to pay attention to because the history of Papua reflects a long journey towards unity and diversity which is the basis of this country. Discussion of the history of Papua in the context of de jure (law) and de facto (real conditions) is important to understand its position as an inseparable part of Indonesia

. Papua is always within the framework of the Republic of Indonesia, not only for political or legal reasons, but because Papua is an inseparable part of Indonesian identity. Through cooperation and shared commitment, we can realize the vision of a peaceful, prosperous and empowered Papua, which will not only benefit the Papuan people, but also the entire Indonesian nation.

*The author is a Papuan student in Surabaya

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