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Papua is Indonesia, Government Strengthens Integrity of the Republic of Indonesia Through Development and Unity


By: Obaja Wame )*

The government continues to strengthen the integrity of the entire Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) through development and unity steps, especially focusing on equality to remote areas without exception, including Papua because this region is an integral and inseparable part of the country.

Papua with all its cultural richness, customs and natural potential is indeed an integral part that is inseparable from the Republic of Indonesia. Since the integration process of the region nicknamed Bumi Cenderawasih into Indonesia through the Determination of People’s Opinion (Pepera) in 1969, the government has continued to focus its attention there.

The government has taken various steps, especially to ensure that Papua is not only part of Indonesia geographically, but also continues to maintain the spirit of unity and improve the welfare of all people there.

One of the concrete steps of this effort is the construction of additional logistics warehouses in Puncak Regency, Central Papua Province. This is useful to anticipate hunger and extreme weather in the region. The existence of this construction has received appreciation from the local community, who appear to be very happy.

In relation to this, the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (PMK), Muhadjir Effendy said that the development was a form of real government support for disaster management, especially the occurrence of drought and the impact of crop failure due to extreme weather. With the existence of a logistics warehouse, the area in Puncak Regency is safer and is able to help handle disasters better.

Meanwhile, the Head of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB), Lieutenant General of the Indonesian National Army (Lt. Gen. TNI) Suharyanto said that the warehouse is able to have a capacity of up to two weeks so that even if there is bad weather, the community can still use the food stock in the warehouse. Not only the construction of logistics warehouses, the government is also building the Trans Papua Road on the Jayapura-Wamena Section, Mamberamo-Elelim Segment in the Papua Mountains Province.

Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR), Basuki Hadimuljono revealed that the construction of the Trans Papua Road in the Jayapura-Wamena Section of the Mamberamo-Elelim Segment has actually been a long-standing dream since the era of President Soeharto’s government in the early 1980s. However, it was only realized in the era of President Joko Widodo’s (Jokowi) leadership today.

The existence of the road can clearly help the distribution of logistics in the region, while also being able to reduce the price of goods and services in Wamena. In addition, welfare in Papua and Papua Pegunungan can also be realized soon.

One of the government’s efforts to continue to strengthen the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia is through equitable development, such as massive infrastructure in Papua. The existence of adequate infrastructure is an important foundation to be able to create connectivity and drive the wheels of the economy.

With the Trans Papua Road construction project, it has been able to connect various regions that were previously difficult to reach due to challenging geographical conditions. The Trans Papua Road not only facilitates people’s mobility, but is also able to accelerate the distribution of goods and services, so that it can ultimately improve the local economy.

In addition, there is the construction of other public facilities by the government such as schools, hospitals and markets which also show how strong President Joko Widodo’s commitment is to improving the quality of life of the indigenous Papuan people (OAP).

The infrastructure in Bumi Cenderawasih has now become better, there is also public access to education and health services that have become easier and more evenly distributed. All of that is concrete evidence that the government is indeed very serious in its efforts to make the Land of Papua advanced and prosperous as an inseparable part of the Republic of Indonesia.

Because not only through physical development, the government also emphasizes the importance of social and cultural approaches to continue to strengthen the unity and integrity of the nation. Papua is home to hundreds of tribes with very diverse languages ​​and customs. It is clear that the government is very aware that this diversity is a wealth that must continue to be maintained and appreciated.

For that reason, various programs that prioritize respect for local culture continue to be promoted by the government. Often, various ministries and institutions also hold dialogues with traditional, religious and community leaders in Tanah Papua to listen to their aspirations and desires.

Papua is Indonesia, and the Republic of Indonesia itself would not be complete without the Land of Cenderawasih. Therefore, the government’s efforts to continue to strengthen the integrity of the nation through development and unity in the Land of Papua are very appropriate and strategic steps.

Infrastructure development continues to occur evenly while still respecting cultural diversity, then there is also the provision of Special Autonomy Policy (Otsus) and the government’s efforts continue to instill a sense of nationalism. All of these things are for one purpose, namely to ensure that Papua continues to experience progress and development as an integral part of Indonesia.

*) Law student, Yapis University, Papua

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