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Peaceful Election as a Form of Democracy Based on Community Diversity


By: Maya Naura Lingga )*

The 2024 election must be a peaceful election. People must realize that peaceful elections are a form of democracy, which is based on the diversity of society. Indonesia consists of many different tribes and beliefs. This diversity does not need to be contested. All people continue to maintain peace during elections and do not question diversity.

The 2024 elections are predicted to be exciting because the presidential candidates are new and are expected to bring many positive changes in Indonesia. Before the election, of course, there is a campaign period to introduce and promote presidential and legislative candidates. The community hopes that the campaign will run in an orderly and peaceful manner without any potential for riots between supporters.

The community is urged to realize peaceful elections so that the event every 5 years can run smoothly. Politician Susanto Dwi Antoro stated that the 2024 general election process is expected to be part of democratic contestation which is based on the diversity of society.

There are three important hopes for the implementation of next year’s election, namely that it will proceed peacefully according to the rules, all parties work together to make the election of the people for the people and by the people and the third is to fulfill the aspirations of the people so that the results will prosper the people and the people can be sovereign.

Susanto hopes that the 2024 election will be a moment of democracy based on the diversity of society. Diversity in one container called Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, namely unity. Let’s carry out the process with full enthusiasm for national values, namely in accordance with Pancasila for the sustainability of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia

In a sense, Indonesia is a democracy and consists of many differences and diversity. Since before the era of independence, there have been many tribes belonging to one country. The government also recognizes 6 beliefs that exist in Indonesia.

Indonesia is a democratic country and its people exist with all differences in ethnicity and belief, and this diversity should never be an issue. All united to build the country. Since the era of the Old Order, the New Order, until the reformation era, diversity continues to exist and people have realized that differences are a natural thing.

However, ahead of the election there are a handful of people who question the differences and forget that Indonesia consists of the diversity of its people. When there are differences in the choice of political parties or presidential candidates, fierce hostilities ensue and trigger wars, especially in cyberspace. 

Elections are a thrilling event because there are many Indonesian netizens who  hate speech  and use social media as they please. In addition, provocateurs appeared who stirred up cyberspace and deliberately created  black campaigns  to attack certain presidential candidates. The Indonesian people are asked to leave hostilities in cyberspace and remain calm, and maintain peaceful elections.

The community is expected to be peaceful and not be influenced by provocateurs, who question the original ethnicity of the candidate for president or vice president. Even though they come from different regions and tribes, don’t make it a problem, because they are both Indonesians. Democracy must be maintained because each person can choose a different presidential candidate.

Indonesia consists of various tribes, such as Javanese, Sundanese, Minang, to Melanesian. The diversity of ethnicities and backgrounds is natural because since before independence, they have vowed to unite through the Youth Pledge. Indonesian unity is one of the Precepts in Pancasila and is the main key in reconciling Indonesian society.

Society needs to remember that Indonesian democracy stands above all differences in ethnicity, creed, etc. Therefore, don’t be provoked by the issue of SARA, which was deliberately raised by the provocateur. SARA issues can trigger hostilities between citizens, disrupt elections, and have the potential to thwart them.

For example, when there is a presidential candidate who is known as a descendant, even though he is an Indonesian citizen. He can be attacked by provocateurs and make people not vote for him. Don’t be influenced by the issue of SARA because it can make the 2024 Election chaotic.

Meanwhile, artist Olga Lidya stated that people must do good to one another and continue to maintain peace during elections. The diversity of ethnic groups and beliefs in society should not be questioned.

Olga Lidya continued, all good things are in religion. Don’t let religion be used for bad things, divide, and spread hatred. Religion actually teaches its people about love and glorifying God who is very good to us. God teaches us good things and wants us to do good.

In a sense, don’t let religion be used in this political year for personal, individual or political interests. Because religion must be cool, peaceful, and happy. Let’s live happily.

Politics cannot be mixed with religion because the paths are different and the laws are different. Legislative candidates and their campaign teams are expected to understand this and not carelessly choose campaign venues. They can choose to campaign in halls, markets, squares or on social media.

Indonesian democracy must be maintained and the people must remember that in a democratic country, differences should not be an issue. They are obliged to realize peaceful and safe elections. The diversity of people is a reality and should not be a source of conflict.

)* The author is a contributor to Nusantara Reading Room

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